Tag Archives: server

Redirect Domain to Include or Exclude www

This guide is based on the .htaccess file which is a directory-level configuration file supported by several web servers such as Apache web server. It is used for configuration of website resources such as URL redirection, URL shortening, access control, and more. The ‘dot’ before the file name makes it a hidden file in Unix-based environments. You can read more about this file at Wikipedia.

Using the .htaccess file in the main domain directory, you can either redirect all requests to sanuja.com or www.sanuja.com. This type of redirection is known as a HTTP 301 redirect.

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How to install Active Directory Domain Services

Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) is also known as a domain controller. It allows network and IT administrators to manage resources across multiple client terminals. In this article, we will look at how to install AD DS on a Windows Server 2019 (Datacenter Edition) in a few simple steps.

The following guide is based on Windows Server 2019. However, the process is very similar (same) on Windows Server 2012 and 2016 editions. Continue reading How to install Active Directory Domain Services

Database Management System for Online Ticket Sales

Database Management System (DBMS) of online ticket sale for the stage play “Kusa-Paba” at the University of Calgary Theater.

Abstract and Project Description

The University of Calgary Theater has 500 available seats. This particular DBMS is built to allow users to order and purchase tickets online. Tickets sold by agents can also be entered to the system using the agents’ interface. Only a designated set of seats are available for sale. Some are as for reserved guests and others are designated as House Seats hence they are not available for sale. The designated seats for sale are categorized for different price levels; $50.00, $30.00 and $20.00 (Figure 1). The price levels are further broken down for adults and children.

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Maximum Input Variables WP Error

The max_input_vars limitation error is a very common issue that most WordPress web developers and website owners may encounter at some point in their career. Few days ago, my website also experienced the same problem. The solution is very simple; increase the value assigned to max_input_vars in the PHP configuration file on the web server. However, depending on server setup, you may have to do few more things to get this problem fixed.

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