Geography 535 – Geography World Affairs
Regions covered in Midterm I: Europe, Former USSR and Middle America. The in-class exam also will be in multiple choice format.
Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are made. It takes several proof readings and rewrites to bring the quiz to an exceptional level. If you find an error, please contact me as soon as possible. Please indicate the question ID-Number or description because server may randomize the questions and answers.
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Geography 213 (GEOG 213-UCAL) Midterm I
Congratulations - you have completed Geography 213 (GEOG 213-UCAL) Midterm I.
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Question 1 |
A | Pakistan |
B | Sri Lanka |
C | India |
D | Singapore |
E | Kazakhstan |
Question 2 |
A | All other parts were covered with mountains. |
B | Ottoman Empire was controlling the other parts of the Russian borders. |
C | Low population density and relatively flat land mass on the East side. |
D | Russia was fighting wars in several other fronts. |
E | British Empire was in full control of the Western border. |
Question 3 |
A | Rundle |
B | Alpine |
C | Rocky |
D | Cordillera |
E | Andes |
Question 4 |
A | Spain |
B | France |
C | Italy |
D | Germany |
E | Britain |
Question 5 |
A | During the 1970s |
B | After World War I during the 1920s |
C | During the Great Depression |
D | After the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe |
E | Shortly after World War II |
Question 6 |
A | Polish |
B | English |
C | Irish |
D | Spanish |
E | Ukrainian |
Question 7 |
A | Six |
B | Four |
C | Two |
D | Five |
E | Three |
Question 8 |
A | Norway |
B | Switzerland |
C | Belgium |
D | Slovenia |
E | Hungary |
Question 9 |
A | Abundance of natural resources. |
B | Favorable climate for the population growth. |
C | Extremely low population growth. |
D | Volatile political and economic climate. |
E | Waterways and ocean shipping routes. |
Question 10 |
A | Central Europe |
B | Eastern Europe |
C | British Isles |
D | Western Europe |
E | Northern Europe |
Question 11 |
A | Eastern |
B | Southeastern |
C | Western |
D | Northern |
E | Northwestern |
Question 12 |
A | Type E |
B | Type B |
C | Type D |
D | Type A |
E | Type C |
B - Dry (Arid) climates
C - Subtropical; Mid-latitude humid; Mediterranean
D - Mid-latitude continental; Subarctic
E - Polar
H - Highland climates
Question 13 |
A | Britain blocked access to waterways |
B | Political divisions between major players such as Germany and Russia |
C | Napoleonic Wars |
D | World War I and II |
E | Lack of natural resources in continental Europe |
Question 14 |
A | Specific sociological or economical phenomena. |
B | Political system of the population. |
C | Type of associations to organizations such as NATO. |
D | Cultural and religious aspects of the population. |
E | Geographic location. |
Question 15 |
A | E-Type |
B | A-Type |
C | B-Type |
D | C-Type |
E | D-Type |
Question 16 |
A | Haiti |
B | Puerto Rico |
C | Costa Rica |
D | Cuba |
E | Mexico |
Question 17 |
A | Both countries located above the 50-degree North latitude. |
B | Both countries has been a colony of the British Empire at some point of the history. |
C | Both countries share a border with Alaska. |
D | Both countries have Germanic language such as English, French and Russian as official languages. |
E | Both countries composed of similar (if not same) ethnic groups. |
Question 18 |
A | Northwestern winds and low altitude |
B | War bodies of seas around Europe |
C | Subtropical to tropical latitude |
D | Large land mass |
E | Gulf Stream |
Question 19 |
A | It is an economic union between Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. |
B | It is a military union between Bulgaria, Norway and Lithuania. |
C | It is a military union between Belgium, Norway and Luxembourg. |
D | It is a economic union between Bulgaria, Norway and Lithuania. |
E | It is the term given to describe the first three nations to join the European Union (EU). |
Question 20 |
A | 12th century Russia |
B | 14th century Italy |
C | 15th century Spain |
D | 16th century Britain |
E | 15th century France |
Question 21 |
A | Belgium |
B | Norway |
C | Czech Republic |
D | Switzerland |
E | Austria |
Question 22 |
A | About 99% |
B | About 50% |
C | About 10% |
D | About 30% |
E | About 80% |
Question 23 |
A | Andorra |
B | Vatican |
C | Liechtenstein |
D | Luxembourg |
E | San Marino |
Question 24 |
A | E-Type |
B | A-Type |
C | D-Type |
D | C-Type |
E | None of the listed answers are correct. |
Question 25 |
A | Nicholas II |
B | Ivan III |
C | Peter the Great |
D | Adolf Hitler |
E | Catherine the Great |
Question 26 |
A | Pamirs |
B | Caucasus |
C | Carpathians |
D | Urals |
E | Balkans |
Question 27 |
A | United Kingdom |
B | France |
C | West Germany |
D | United States itself |
E | Japan |
Question 28 |
A | C-type |
B | E-type |
C | A-type |
D | D-type |
E | B-type |
Question 29 |
A | Antigua and Barbuda |
B | Haiti and the Dominican Republic |
C | Trinidad and Tobago |
D | Cuba and the Dominican Republic |
E | Cuba and Puerto Rico |
Question 30 |
A | Type B |
B | Type D |
C | Type A |
D | Type C |
B - Dry (Arid) climates
C - Subtropical; Mid-latitude humid; Mediterranean
D - Mid-latitude continental; Subarctic
E - Polar
H - Highland climates
Question 31 |
A | France |
B | Italy |
C | Germany |
D | Belgium |
E | Denmark |
Question 32 |
A | World War II |
B | Expansion of the Ottoman Empire |
C | Fall of Roman Empire |
D | World War I |
E | Fall of the French kingdom |
Question 33 |
A | Cultural regions |
B | Physical regions |
C | Political regions |
D | Economic regions |
E | Religious regions |
Question 34 |
A | Baltic Sea |
B | Mediterranean Sea |
C | North Sea |
D | Black Sea |
E | Caspian Sea |
Question 35 |
A | Germany |
B | Estonia |
C | France |
D | Greece |
E | Austria |
Question 36 |
Modified from: wiki/ File:Europe_biogeography_countries.svg
A | Type D |
B | Type A |
C | Type C |
D | Type B |
E | Type E |
B - Dry (Arid) climates
C - Subtropical; Mid-latitude humid; Mediterranean
D - Mid-latitude continental; Subarctic
E - Polar
H - Highland climates
Question 37 |
A | East |
B | It is impossible to deduce from the given information. |
C | South |
D | North |
E | West |
Question 38 |
A | Central Uplands |
B | Western Uplands |
C | The Alpine system |
D | Central Highlands |
E | The North European Lowland |
Question 39 |
A | The term is only used during the World War I and World War II to describe countries that supported Germany. |
B | The term "Second World" no longer applicable because in modern day, either a country is well developed or not at all. There is no in-between. |
C | The term "Second World" was used to describe Communist regions. |
D | The term "Second World" has never been officially used by Geographers. |
E | The term "Second World" has never been used by North American educators, but it is often a term given to developing nations in other parts of the world. |
Question 40 |
A | Type A |
B | Type D |
C | Type E |
D | Type B |
E | Type C |
B - Dry (Arid) climates
C - Subtropical; Mid-latitude humid; Mediterranean
D - Mid-latitude continental; Subarctic
E - Polar
H - Highland climates
Question 41 |
A | North and South America is considered as one section under this approach. |
B | Political unity can be used as a method to separate one section from another. |
C | The type of economy can be used to separate one section from another. |
D | The specific socio-ethnic background is irrelevant in this approach. |
E | The geographic location is irrelevant in this approach. |
Question 42 |
A | It is a democratic system very similar to that of the Germany. |
B | It is a Socialist System where the authority is completely controlled by a central government. |
C | It is similar to Canada with a Federal System in place. |
D | It is a Communist System where the authority is completely controlled by a central government. |
E | It is similar to USA with a State System in place. |
Question 43 |
A | ...the equator. |
B | ...topographical features. |
C | ...the Brandt Line. |
D | ...geographical features. |
E | ...political systems. |
Question 44 |
A | Along the Baltic coast |
B | Southern Russia |
C | Southwestern Siberia |
D | Around the SE coast of the Black Sea |
E | Around far NE region |
Question 45 |
A | Countries that lies along the North Africa and South Africa division. |
B | Mexico - United States border region. |
C | Canada - United States border region. |
D | Kazakhstan - Russia border region. |
E | Region that has been geographically divided by Caucasus Mountains. |
Question 46 |
A | Energy consumption per capita |
B | Distribution of wealth and equality |
C | Gross National Product (GNP) per capita |
D | Ethnic diversity |
E | Education and literacy levels |
Question 47 |
A | Northern Europe |
B | Western Europe |
C | Central Europe |
D | Mediterranean Europe |
E | Eastern Europe |
Question 48 |
A | Slave of Roman Empire |
B | Low class and low caste Romans |
C | Western Europeans |
D | Barbarians |
E | Alliance of several Roman sub-regions |
Question 49 |
A | Increased in agricultural production |
B | Availability of gold and iron ore |
C | Increased mechanization |
D | Britain’s global influence |
E | Britain’s technological innovations |
Question 50 |
A | 1867 |
B | 1910 |
C | 1913 |
D | 1850 |
E | 1950 |
Question 51 |
A | 6th millennium B.C. |
B | 1st millennium B.C. |
C | 5th millennium B.C. |
D | 4th millennium B.C. |
E | 3rd millennium B.C. |
Question 52 |
A | Czech Republic |
B | North Pole |
C | Ukraine |
D | Romania |
E | Lithuania |
Question 53 |
A | To increase the funding for manufacturing of weapons during World War I to support troops |
B | To rebuild Western European economies |
C | To take the United States out of the Great Depression |
D | To rebuild Japan after the World War II |
E | To increase the funding for non-military goods during World War II to families at home |
Question 54 |
A | Agricultural advancement due to industrial revolution. |
B | Collapse of the class and caste system after fall of several monarchies. |
C | Rapid increased in inequalities resulting large population growths in poor regions. |
D | Very high social stability of the region. |
E | Economic integration facilitated by greater cooperation between nations. |
Question 55 |
A | Ivan I the Great |
B | Ivan IV the Great |
C | Catherine the Great |
D | Peter the Great |
E | Ivan III the Great |
Question 56 |
Modified from: wiki/ File:Europe_biogeography_countries.svg
A | Type E |
B | Type D |
C | Type B |
D | Type C |
E | Type A |
B - Dry (Arid) climates
C - Subtropical; Mid-latitude humid; Mediterranean
D - Mid-latitude continental; Subarctic
E - Polar
H - Highland climates
Question 57 |
A | Caribbean |
B | Rimland |
C | Caribbean and Rimland |
D | Central America and Rimland |
E | Mainland and Central America |
Question 58 |
A | Type D |
B | Type E |
C | Type B |
D | Type A |
E | Type C |
B - Dry (Arid) climates
C - Subtropical; Mid-latitude humid; Mediterranean
D - Mid-latitude continental; Subarctic
E - Polar
H - Highland climates
Question 59 |
A | Eastern highland regions |
B | Arctic regions |
C | Siberian arctic regions |
D | Mountain ranges |
E | Lowland regions |
Question 60 |
A | during the early 1700s with Peter the Great |
B | in the middle of the 1800s. |
C | during the reign of Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century. |
D | during the early 1900s. |
E | after the Bolshevik Revolution. |
Question 61 |
A | The tectonic activities that resulted in high frequency of volcanoes. |
B | The unequal distribution of wealth and power among the population. |
C | The horrific conditions of the sugar plantation industry. |
D | The annihilation of the Middle American Native population. |
E | The long history of African slave trade. |
Question 62 |
A | Greece, Bulgaria and Spain |
B | Greece, Denmark and Spain |
C | France, Spain and Italy |
D | Poland and Germany |
E | Spain, Italy and Croatia |
Question 63 |
A | Near St. Petersburg |
B | Northwestern European Russia (Kola Peninsula) |
C | Northern Siberia |
D | The Far East close to the international date line |
E | East closer to the border with China |
Question 64 |
A | Serbia |
B | Belarus |
C | Czech Republic |
D | Romania |
E | Slovakia |
Question 65 |
A | right after the French revolution. |
B | during the Renaissance |
C | right after the industrial revolution in Britain. |
D | after the First World War |
E | after the industrial revolution spread across the Western Europe into Eastern Europe. |
Question 66 |
A | Guatemala |
B | Cuba |
C | Costa Rica |
D | Jamaica |
E | El Salvador |
Question 67 |
A | Large urban populations |
B | Unification in the war against the Mongol invaders |
C | Proximity to sea routes and the lands of the New World |
D | Modern industries |
E | Organization under the Roman Empire |
Question 68 |
A | India |
B | Australia |
C | Canada |
D | United States |
E | Africa |
Question 69 |
A | Russian |
B | Czech |
C | Romanian |
D | Polish |
E | Ukrainian |
Question 70 |
A | 1950 |
B | 1960 |
C | 1999 |
D | 1945 |
E | 1993 |
Question 71 |
A | Spanish, British |
B | French, British |
C | Spanish, Americans |
D | French, Spanish |
E | Spanish, German |
Question 72 |
A | Germany |
B | Bosnia |
C | Spain |
D | Austria |
E | France |
← |
List |
→ |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 |
36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 |
56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 |
66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | End |
Credits: Based on the excellent class notes provided by, Dr. Peter Slezak during Winter 2015.
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