Sedimentary Petrology
Go to: Final Exam
The following quiz assumes that you have the background knowledge from GLGY 491. For additional questions specific to organisms, please check Geology 491 materials. Most concepts related to 491 class has been omitted from this quiz.
Attention: Application questions
Please be aware that you may come across difficult questions. They are usually not directly from one particular lecture but rather application of principles form several different lectures and labs. In this particular class, you are expected to solve this type of questions for the lecture/lab midterms and the finals. It is not my intention to make this quiz questions hard like a jackass.
Geology (GLGY 461-UCAL) Midterm
Congratulations - you have completed Geology (GLGY 461-UCAL) Midterm.
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Your performance has been rated as %%RATING%%
Question 1 |
A | Outer platform margin biostromes |
B | Shallow internal platform biostromes |
C | Open-water mud mounds |
D | Platform slopes |
E | Open-water supertidal flats |
Question 2 |
A | Dolostones |
B | Phosphorites |
C | Siliciclastic mudstones |
D | Halites |
E | Limestones |
F | Siliciclastic sandstones |
Question 3 |
A | A. aragonitic B. calcitic |
B | A. calcitic B. aragonitic |
C | A. colonial B. solitary |
D | A. siliceous B. calcitic |
E | A. calcitic B. siliceous |
Question 4 |
A | False, they were found in laminae, pillars and astrorhizae forms. |
B | False, they were found in mounded laminae forms. |
C | True |
Question 5 |
A | No, it is a synthetic material. |
B | Yes it is a mineral. |
C | No, it is only the chemical formula for a mineral. |
D | No, it is neither a mineral nor a valid chemical formula. |
Question 6 |
A | The process in which constituents were combined to form metamorphic rocks. |
B | The process in which rocks were cooled down after a burial process to from new rocks. |
C | The process in which constituents were transported from the initial deposition location to a basin for burial. |
D | The process in which constituents were broken down during the burial to form new minerals in the sediment. |
Question 7 |
A | Molluscs |
B | Foraminifera |
C | Echinoderms |
D | Brachiopods |
Question 8 |
A | Rudstones |
B | Framestones |
C | Bindstones |
D | Floatstones |
E | Bafflestones |
Question 9 |
A | Double-crystal system |
B | Cross-lamellar |
C | Multiple chemical elements within growth lines |
D | Foliation |
Question 10 |
A | Due to their orientation to the cut surface of the thin section. |
B | Changes in chemical composition during each growth cycle. |
C | Foliation grade differences during each growth cycle. |
D | Longitudinal deformation due to stresses during sedimentation. |
E | Overlap of 1-st and 2-nd Order lamellae. |
Question 11 |
A | Composite prismatic structures |
B | Foliated structures |
C | Single crystal structures |
D | Fascicular fibrous structures |
Question 12 |
A | False |
B | True |
Question 13 |
A | Shape and size; the 1-st Order structures are larger. |
B | Shape and size; the 2-st Order structures are larger. |
C | Pattern of the cross; the 2-st Order structures V-shaped. |
D | Pore/void space: the 2-st Order structures have less void space. |
E | Pattern of the cross; the 1-st Order structures V-shaped. |
F | Pore/void space: the 1-st Order structures have less void space. |
Question 14 |
A | Homogeneous prismatic structures with no deformation. Hint: Nope; this is mostly for forminifera and molluscs. |
B | At least two layers of non-deformed single crystal structures. Hint: Nope; this is mostly for echinoderms. |
C | Several layers of foliated or normal prismatic structures. |
D | Several layers of complex and composite prismatic structures. Hint: Nope; this is for molluscus ONLY. |
E | At lest two layers with 1-st and 2-nd Order aragonitic crossed-lamellar layers. Hint: Nope; this is for molluscus. |
Question 15 |
A | Change in abundance of organisms in a macro-region. |
B | Change in the rate at which the burial of sediments occurs. |
C | Change in temperature and pressure. |
D | Change in temperature only. |
E | Change in abundance of organisms in a micro-region. |
F | Change in abundance of chemicals. |
Question 16 |
A | Platform slopes |
B | Outer platform margin bioherms |
C | Supertidal flats |
D | Shallow internal platform biostromes |
E | Open-water mud mounds |
Question 17 |
A | It is an ideal model of platform environment that will work for most areas of Earth. |
B | It dose not consider effects of sea level changes or climate controls. |
C | It is often used for pleobilogical stratigraphic analysis. |
D | It was first published in 1975 by Wilson. |
Question 18 |
A | Common lithofacies and biological characteristics. |
B | Variations in the global biological and lithological diversity. |
C | Common lithofacies. |
D | Nature of the tidal flat, lagoonal faces, shallow ramp and deep shelf ramp. |
E | Depositional setting, sediment type, biota and common lithofacies. |
Question 19 |
A | I. Hexacorallia II. Brain Hint: Both are reef builders. |
B | I. Brain II. Hexacorallia Hint: Both are reef builders. |
C | I. Rugose II. Brain |
D | I. Hermatypic II. Ahermatypic |
E | I. Ahermatypic II. Hermatypic |
Question 20 |
A | Around 200 m |
B | Between 150 m and 200 m |
C | Between 200 m and 300 m |
D | Below 100 m |
E | Around 300 m |
Question 21 |
A | True |
B | False; they are solitary organisms. |
C | False; they are an extinct class of organisms. |
Question 22 |
A | Shallow Ramp Facies |
B | Deep Basin Facies |
C | Lagoonal Facies |
D | Deep Tidal Flat Facies |
E | Deep Shelf Facies |
Question 23 |
A | low energy reef/ramp environments. |
B | high energy deep tidal environments. |
C | high energy slope environments. |
D | low energy shallow tidal environments. |
Question 24 |
A | Alteration of grains |
B | In-situ formation |
C | Biotic |
D | Reworked lithofied clasts |
Question 25 |
A | Presence of destructive micritization. |
B | Large volume of elongated peloids. |
C | Large volume of spherical/sub-spherical shaped peloids. |
D | Large pour spaces caused by entrapment of gaseous substance. |
E | Presence of bio-chemicals and organic matter. |
Question 26 |
A | very low energy environment. |
B | high local biological activities due to abundance in nutrients. |
C | high global biological activities due to abundance in nutrients. Hint: Think again; usually "abundance of peloidal rocks" found in specific areas in specific geologic time. |
D | Presence of biotic peloids as opposed to other types. |
E | very high energy environment. |
Question 27 |
A | False; because it is an indication of altered grains forming micritized peloids. |
B | False; because it is an indication of in-situ formations. |
C | True |
D | False; because it is an indication of reworked lithofied clasts of carbonates origin. |
Question 28 |
A | destructive micritization. |
B | constructive micritization. |
C | microborings. |
D | cyanobacterial destruction. |
Question 29 |
A | Thin cortex very thin cortex and 1-3 counted layers. |
B | Ooids with very thick cortex. |
C | Thin cortex very thick cortex and innumerable layers. |
D | Ooids with very thin cortex. |
E | Thin cortex very thin cortex and 2-4 counted layers. |
Question 30 |
A | Presence of nuclei and supersaturated water with respect to calcite. |
B | Usually have a nuclei. |
C | Bottom agitation, presence of nuclei and grain degradation. |
D | Presence of nuclei and undersaturated water with respect to calcite. |
Question 31 |
A | at the peak of the crest (peak) of the dunes. |
B | along the troughs of parabolic bars. |
C | at the trough of the dunes. |
D | at the points of flow convergence. |
E | at the asymmetric surfaces. |
Question 32 |
A | Green algae are adapted to deeper water environments and they absorbs red light. |
B | Red algae are adapted to deeper water environments and they absorbs blue light. |
C | Blue algae are adapted to deeper water environments and they absorbs red light. |
D | Red algae are adapted to deeper water environments and they absorbs red light. |
E | Green algae are adapted to shallow water environments and they absorbs yellow light. |
F | Green algae are adapted to deeper water environments and they absorbs blue light. |
G | Blue algae are adapted to deeper water environments and they absorbs blue light. |
Question 33 |
A | ....exclusive to marine water environments. |
B | ...were exclusive to fresh water environments during Carboniferous and modern day they are exclusive to marine water environments. |
C | ...exclusive to fresh water environments. |
D | ...adapted to deep water environments. |
E | ...most abundant in shallow, protected environments. |
Question 34 |
A | Blue |
B | Red |
C | Green |
D | All types (Green, Blue and Red) |
Question 35 |
A | This group includes both benthic and planktonic organisms that have the ability to photosynthesize. |
B | They are important sediment produces and reef builders. |
C | They can be in several depositional settings such as marine, fresh-brackish water ponds, tidal flats and shallow sandy bottoms. |
D | They are very important for economic resources such as diamond and gold ores. |
E | Some of them are capable of secreting or depositing carbonate around their body. |
Question 36 |
A | Chlorophyta |
B | Chrysophyta |
C | Cynaophyta |
D | Rhodophyta |
Question 37 |
A | Red algae |
B | Yellow algae |
C | Green algae |
D | Blue algae |
Question 38 |
A | Tidal flats |
B | Open marine bay shelf lagoons |
C | Open marines |
D | Reef fronts |
E | Restricted marine bays and lagoons |
Question 39 |
A | I. medulla II. cortex |
B | I. spinal core II. external core |
C | I. central core II. outer core |
D | I. cortex II. medulla |
Question 40 |
A | Paleozoic |
B | Ediacaran |
C | Cenozoic |
D | Carboniferous |
E | Cretaceous |
Question 41 |
A | Sunlight |
B | Sunlight and high energy water currents |
C | High energy water currents |
D | Sunlight and moisture |
E | Sunlight and availability of calcareous fluids |
Question 42 |
A | CCD or carbon compensation depth is the depth in which the calcite start to become unstable. Hint: Nope; that would be Lysoclines |
B | The partial pressure of CO2 is very high at shallow depths; leads to good cementation. |
C | The best cementation processes occurs at shallow waters such as at the shelf or slopes. |
D | Sediments could undergo marine diagenesis as long as water is present. |
E | Large portion of the mixing zone is in the marine diagenetic area. |
Question 43 |
A | I. Yellow II. green |
B | I. Green
II. red |
C | I. Red II. green |
D | I. Blue II. green |
Question 44 |
A | zoecias. |
B | lamination. |
C | layering. |
D | alternating sediment-organic matter layers. |
E | pillars. |
Question 45 |
A | False |
B | True |
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 |
36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
End |
Credits: Based on the excellent class notes provided by, Dr. Rudi Meyer during Winter 2014.
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