This is part of the CCNA1 Introduction to Networks course. This page will be updated with texts in the future… for now, please refer to my lecture on my YouTube channel.
Summary of the Module 10
- The tasks that should be completed when configuring initial settings on a router:
-Configure the device name.
-Secure privileged EXEC mode.
-Secure user EXEC mode.
-Secure remote Telnet / SSH access.
-Secure all passwords in the config file.
-Provide legal notification.
-Save the configuration. - For routers to be reachable, the router interfaces must be configured.
- Using the no shutdown command activates the interface. The interface must also be connected to another device, such as a switch or a router, for the physical layer to be active. There are several commands that can be used to verify interface configuration including the show ip interface brief and show ipv6 interface brief, the show ip route and show ipv6 route, as well as show interfaces, show ip interface and show ipv6 interface.
- For an end device to reach other networks, a default gateway must be configured.
- The IP address of the host device and the router interface address must be in the same network.
A switch must have a default gateway address configured to remotely manage the switch from another network.
To configure an IPv4 default gateway on a switch, use the ip default-gateway ip-address global configuration command.