I had to rebuild the software side due to an error in judgement

Yesterday I had to rebuild my entire server because I made an error in how I created the RIAD system. When I initially setup the server, I placed all my 146 GB and 76 GB units of harddrives in one RAID 5 cause a huge loss of data space. When you add different sizes of HDs to a RAID 5 array, the controller takes the multiples of the smallest and the slowest RPM for the maximum output causing a huge limitation on the RAID. I dismount the entire RAID 5 and mounted the 146 GB at 10 K on RAID 5 and an independent RAID 1 for the two 76 GB units at 15 K. Then I installed the OS in the 76 GB faster drives giving me a faster boot time while the six 146 GB on RAID 5 provided a maximum yield of storage space.

This is the best configuration for the hardware I have right now.  Unless I upgrade the 76 GB units with new 146 GB units which I don’t think I will go for right now. Let’s compare what I had previously to what I have now in my next post!!