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Tag Archives: technology
How to Update emergency Alerts on Android device
The emergency alerts system is a useful feature on most smart devices with a SIM installed. Some government agencies can access the system even when you do not have a SIM installed on the device. The system is used to push notifications (alerts) on unforeseen extreme weather conditions, natural disasters to Amber alerts (missing children). I do not promote the idea of disabling alerts, but if for whatever personal reasons you would like to disable it, you can do it on most current Android devices. The following guide is based on Samsung One UI 1.0 but it is applicable for other devices. If you do not have a Samsung device, the settings for changing the behavior of emergency alerts can be found under general system settings. Type “emergency alerts” on the settings search bar. Continue reading How to Update emergency Alerts on Android device
Adding Mobile Data and Mobile Hotspot to Quick Settings
Quick Settings is the top drop-down panel on Android devices. The following will is a simplified guide for adding mobile data and mobile hotspot (and others: data saver) to quick settings on Samsung Galaxy Devices.
I can confirm this method still works with Android 7, 8, 9 and 10 with Samsung One UI 1.0 and One UI 2.0. This will work on both network-locked and unlock devices.
Continue reading Adding Mobile Data and Mobile Hotspot to Quick Settings
How to fix WP Error Establishing a Database Connection
The Error Establishing a Database Connection error is a very common issue on WordPress. This issue is caused by a connection failure between the WordPress CMS and the SQL database. Here is a simple guide to fix the problem.
Building a website
I do not think you need an explanation on what is a website. It is a digital platform that can be used to share information and media across the general-purpose Internet (as opposed to internal sites). I have been asked by several people about website development. So I compiled this handy little FAQ type article so that you have all the answers in one place.