Check high school subjects in Java

Question: Using Java, write a program to compare three Array Lists containing a student high school subjects and return the subjects they passed. The program will be used by the University of Java administration staff to check minimum requirements. Assume all Array Lists are to be created in this Java program without any user input. Assume at this time, there will be no changes to the Array Lists once they are created. An Array List must include all subjects offered by Alberta public school system. Another Array List must include the subject the students has taken. Finally a third Array List must include only the subjects which the students has scored over 85% final grade. Student must obtain at least 85% overall grade to meet the minimum requirements (“passed”) for the Computer Science program.

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Introduction to pfSense

This will be an introduction or getting started guide to pfSense. The pfSense is an open-source firewall and router software application written based on Linux FreeBSD. It can be installed on a physical or a virtual machine (VM) environment. It has all the powerful features of Cisco, IBM of other proprietary firewall appliance developers. Additional features can be added by installing third-party packages (add-ons, plugins) to the pfSense. It is one of the most compressive industrial and enterprise grades open-source firewalls. You may install this application in your home environment for advanced firewall and routing configurations.

This guide will not try to repeat what has been already published by Netgate Docs. This guide will add additional information and value to official documentation. Please follow the external links for additional information.

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VMware Workstation Custom Advanced Setup

This tutorial will guide you though on how to setup a virtual machine (VM) on Type 2 hypervisor, VMware Workstation Pro 16. A custom setup allows you to configure hardware and software components of your VM before installing the OS using an ISO image. You can modify these settings even after you complete the configuration and installation process from the settings menu of your VMware Workstation Pro. For Typical Recommended setup, please read the VMware Workstation Setup.

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