Tag Archives: life

Tips for Emigration from Asia

Traveling outside the country is not something that most people in Asia would do. But with the growth of middle class, the interest in permanently relocating to developed countries have increased significantly. While some may argue that “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” is not always applied in countries like Canada. But if you are not willing to be flexible in your new adopted country, you will find it difficult to live. In 2012, majority of immigrants to Canada identified their motherland as Asia (including South Asia).

Continue reading Tips for Emigration from Asia

Geologist’s field checklist

The select all, none and invert functions uses JavaScript code. If your browser (like old mobile phones) cannot handle JS, you will sill be able to read the list, but may not be able to tick off the check boxes on the left most side. A word to those poor Geologists who still on IE instead of FireFox, Chrome (or webkit) or Opera, the time has come for a change. As always, the Print button at the top will remove my title images, menus and border for you to print. The check marks will also print as it is so you can use this page just like an Excel file.

This list may not be complete. Always check with your educational institution before making any arrangements. I am not responsible for you getting attack by a small rat in the woods or a bunch of engineers up to no good.

Travel Essentials

Select All | Select None | Invert

Personal and Safety Gear

Select All | Select None | Invert

Tools and Equipment

Select All | Select None | Invert


Select All | Select None | Invert

If you would like to edit or add items to this list, please contact me. Improving this list may help your fellow students.

Updated: 30-July-2017

A Geologist’s Vacation in Canada

Most people know me as a Geology student, a computer guy or a mix of both. As a part of my Geology degree at the University of Calgary, I participated in field schools. They are a valuable asset to get hands on experience. However, how many of you would like to explore the Geology in your area but have no idea what to look for?

I complied set of pictures showing good Geological features (mostly structural) I took last year in Western Canada. I will post the locations later sometimes so you can also have Geologist’s Vacation!

Please click on the images to view the higher resolution one. The captions identify the major feature in each photo.

Bed formation with a strong orientation.
Bed formation with a strong orientation.
Chilled margin of a granitic intrusion.
Chilled margin of a granitic intrusion.
Coal seam at K-P (K-T).
Coal seam at K-P (K-T).
Coal in the K-P (K-T) boundary.
Coal in the K-P (K-T) boundary.
K-P (former K-T) Boundary in Alberta.
K-P (former K-T) Boundary in Alberta.
Relationship between a Fault and a Dyke. Can you tell which one came first?
Relationship between a Fault and a Dyke. Can you tell which one came first?
Fossils at Exshaw, AB
Fossils at Exshaw, AB
Fault steps
Fault steps
Glacial Till (Deposits)
Glacial Till (Deposits)
Quartz Veins
Quartz Veins
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.