Geography 535 – Geography World Affairs
Regions covered in Midterm II: Middle America, South America, Southwest Asia, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. The in-class exam also will be in multiple choice format.
Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are made. It takes several proof readings and rewrites to bring the quiz to an exceptional level. If you find an error, please contact me as soon as possible. Please indicate the question ID-Number or description because server may randomize the questions and answers.
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Geography 213 (GEOG 213-UCAL) Midterm II
Congratulations - you have completed Geography 213 (GEOG 213-UCAL) Midterm II.
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Question 1 |
A | Within the Altiplano region. |
B | In the foothills of Andes. |
C | Near the mouth of the Amazon river basin. |
D | Within the Isthmus of Panama. |
E | In the Patagonia (modern day Argentina and Chile). |
Question 2 |
A | Mozambique |
B | Zimbabwe |
C | Madagascar |
D | Angola |
E | Tanzania |
Question 3 |
A | Buenos Aires |
B | Lima |
C | Rio de Janeiro |
D | Bogota |
Question 4 |
A | two |
B | three |
C | one |
D | four |
E | five |
Question 5 |
A | 1957 |
B | 1982 |
C | 1944 |
D | 1948 |
E | 1935 |
Question 6 |
A | ...the Atlantic and Caribbean coast. |
B | ...developing economy and strong Amerindian influence. |
C | ...large populations of decedents of American (USA). |
D | ...large equatorial rainforest. |
E | ...sugar plantation and historical black slavery. |
Question 7 |
A | Yanbu |
B | Jeddah |
C | Dammam |
D | Dhiba |
E | Riyadh |
Question 8 |
A | Somalia |
B | Iran |
C | South Africa |
D | Saudi Arabia |
E | Libya |
Question 9 |
A | An autonomous region within Nigeria. |
B | A group of people who are mixed race between Africans and Europeans. |
C | A separatist political party that caused the current instability in Somalia. |
D | Decedents of former Dutch settlers in South Africa. |
E | A geographical region in the sub-Saharan Africa that is dominated by White majority. |
Question 10 |
A | Chile – tropical plantations |
B | Brazil – Amazon Basin |
C | Bolivia – Altiplano |
D | Peru – Incas |
E | Uruguay – predominantly European |
Question 11 |
A | In the highlands of Africa |
B | South of Congo Basin |
C | Within the "Bulge of Africa" |
D | Eastern part of the "Horn of Africa" |
E | North of Sahara Desert |
Question 12 |
A | 5th Century |
B | 10th Century |
C | 7th Century |
D | 3rd Century |
E | 1st Century |
Question 13 |
A | Arabs |
B | Muslims |
C | Persians |
D | Romans |
E | Alexander the Great |
Question 14 |
A | Majority of the population is concentrated in urban areas. |
B | Unlike in the past, most countries in this region have large manufacturing industries. |
C | Subsistence agriculture industry is dominated by female farmers. |
D | Overwhelming number of countries in this region depends on multiple diversified commodities to maintain their economy. |
E | Most of the countries in this region favors a capitalistic society than a socialistic one. |
Question 15 |
A | Río Negro |
B | Buenos Aires |
C | San Juan |
D | Entre Ríos |
E | Mendoza |
Question 16 |
A | Colombia |
B | European Powers such as Britain, Spain, Portugal and France |
C | Brazil |
D | USA |
E | Argentina |
Question 17 |
A | Peru |
B | Colombia |
C | Bolivia |
D | Argentina |
E | Chile |
Question 18 |
A | Equatorial (Central) Africa |
B | West Africa |
C | North Africa |
D | Eastern Africa |
E | The "Horn of Africa" |
Question 19 |
A | Brazil is the 8th largest economy in the world. |
B | Current population growth of Brazil is negative (shrinking population). |
C | Economic activities are mostly concentrated in the center of the country. |
D | Brazil's forward capital is Rio de Janeiro. |
E | Brazil was colonized by the Spanish. |
Question 20 |
A | 1960 , Iraq |
B | 1930 , Saudi Arabia |
C | 1930 , Iran |
D | 1960 , Saudi Arabia |
E | 1950 , Iraq |
Question 21 |
A | Ivory Coast |
B | Ghana |
C | Angola |
D | Congo |
E | Cameroon |
Question 22 |
A | Canada |
B | Mexico |
C | Russia |
D | UK |
E | USA |
Question 23 |
A | Aconcagua |
B | Pico da Neblina |
C | Ojos del Salado |
D | Nevado Sajama |
E | Chimborazo |
Question 24 |
A | An economic conference that eventually resulted in African Union. |
B | It introduced an intervention program by the European powers to help promote economic development and education in the 21st Century Africa. |
C | Resulted in new form of European colonization and trade in Africa. |
D | It was organized by South Africa to promote their mineral (specifically diamond) trade. |
E | It was arranged by Germany to help promote democracy and prevent dictatorships in Sub-Saharan Africa. |
Question 25 |
A | ...decided by the former colonial powers, who occupied the region. |
B | ...drawn based on the distribution of natural resources and fertile agricultural land. |
C | ...drawn based on major ethnic tribes. |
D | ...decided by the African Union after the World War II. |
E | ...drawn around the ancient African civilizations. |
Question 26 |
A | Egypt |
B | Middle East |
C | Nile Delta |
D | Maghreb |
E | Arabian Peninsula |
Question 27 |
A | 1975 |
B | 1994 |
C | 1996 |
D | 1982 |
E | 1978 |
Question 28 |
A | Roman Catholicism |
B | Anglican Christianity |
C | Islam |
D | Eastern Orthodox |
E | Protestant Reformation |
Question 29 |
A | Petroleum (oil) industry plays a vital role in West African economies. |
B | The area is also known as the "Bulge of Africa". |
C | Christianity is the dominant religion in the South part of West Africa. |
D | Majority of the West African nations were used to be British colonies. |
E | About 40% of Sub-Saharan Africa's population lives in West Africa. |
Question 30 |
A | Tigris River |
B | Euphrates River |
C | Nile River |
D | Indus River |
E | Jordan River |
Question 31 |
A | The oldest known civilizations with literacy is the Egyptian civilization around 3000 B.C. |
B | In this region, Roman domination was widespread in the last three centuries of AD, |
C | Water is the most important natural resource in this region. |
D | Conventional oil is the most important factor that provided the necessities for expansion of civilizations within this region. |
E | North African coastal line has the highest population density within this region. |
Question 32 |
A | Brazil |
B | Paraguay |
C | Bolivia |
D | Chile |
E | Ecuador |
Question 33 |
A | Somalia |
B | Iran |
C | Bahrain |
D | Israel |
E | Tunisia |
Question 34 |
A | Type H |
B | Type B |
C | Type A |
D | Type D |
E | Type C |
Question 35 |
A | Between Euphrates and Tigris Rivers |
B | Northern Algeria |
C | Southern Arabian Peninsula where modern day Yemen and Oman |
D | Northern Egypt near the Nile delta |
E | Northern Libya |
Question 36 |
A | Chad |
B | Nigeria |
C | Angola |
D | Sudan |
E | Mali |
Question 37 |
A | Abolition of slavery in Mexico, which allowed the blacks to vote and hold office. |
B | Land reforms where the poor were given rights and opportunity to land ownership. |
C | Independence for Mexico where the European powers handover the control of the country to the native population. |
D | Reestablishment of the Amerindian culture in Mexico. |
E | Transition to democracy where an elected official have the final authority in political, economic and social processes. |
Question 38 |
A | Amerindian and European |
B | Amerindian and black |
C | American and Amerindian |
D | Caribbean and black |
E | European and black |
Question 39 |
A | Brasilia |
B | Caracas |
C | Rio de Janeiro |
D | Sao Paulo |
E | Lima |
Question 40 |
A | Type B |
B | Type H |
C | Type D |
D | Type C |
E | Type A |
Question 41 |
A | Iran |
B | Algeria |
C | Syria |
D | Saudi Arabia |
E | Liberia |
Question 42 |
A | Angola |
B | Nigeria |
C | South Africa |
D | Sudan |
E | Kenya |
Question 43 |
A | Central regions |
B | Amazon agricultural region |
C | "Southern Cone" region |
D | Northern regions |
E | None of the answers are correct |
Question 44 |
A | Mecca |
B | Jeddah |
C | Medina |
D | Riyadh |
E | Al-Ahsa |
Question 45 |
A | Lima |
B | San Paulo |
C | Buenos Aires |
D | Santiago |
E | Altiplano |
Question 46 |
Note: I have been informed by the Professor that there will be no questions on exact numbers. However, you can try this question for fun.
A | 15 |
B | 33 |
C | 10 |
D | 24 |
E | 30 |
Question 47 |
A | Iraq is a landlocked country. |
B | Turkey's current political system (2015) is a theocracy. |
C | Brazil was predominantly colonized by the Spanish. |
D | The separatism is a growing problem within the native ("Indian") population of Amazon Basin. |
E | Iran shares a border with Afganistan and Turkmenistan. |
Question 48 |
A | It was colonized by the French and Italians |
B | It was used to be a part of USSR |
C | It was dominated by a large Christian population |
D | It is located within a North African desert oasis. |
E | It has the best currently functioning democracy in this region |
Question 49 |
A | Saudi Arabia - Kurds |
B | Turkey - Shiite |
C | Iran - Theocracy |
D | Iraq - Roman Catholicism |
E | Turkey - Former USSR |
Question 50 |
A | Within the Congo Basin |
B | Around Cape Town |
C | Around Namib |
D | Within the transition between Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa |
E | In the Madagascar |
Question 51 |
A | 80% |
B | 30% |
C | 5% |
D | 50% |
E | 60% |
Question 52 |
A | Tel Aviv |
B | Netanya |
C | Haifa |
D | Jerusalem |
E | Ashdod |
Question 53 |
A | Type H |
B | Type B |
C | Type D |
D | Type C |
E | Type A |
Question 54 |
A | Tigris and Euphrates rivers |
B | Jordan and Nile rivers |
C | Nile and Tigris rivers |
D | Nile and Euphrates rivers |
E | Blue and White Nile rivers |
Question 55 |
A | The language of one of South Africa’s major black tribes |
B | The language of all white South Africans |
C | A derivative of Dutch |
D | The “lingua franca” of East Africa |
E | A form of English spoken in southern Africa |
Question 56 |
A | Peru and Costa Rica |
B | Costa Rica and Colombia |
C | Peru and Colombia |
D | Brazil and Ecuador |
E | Ecuador and Peru |
Question 57 |
A | Britain |
B | France |
C | Russia |
D | Germany |
E | USA |
Question 58 |
A | France |
B | UK |
C | Spain |
D | USA |
E | Germany |
Question 59 |
A | Military Service |
B | Mining Industry |
C | Agriculture Industry |
D | Manufacturing Industry |
E | Tourism Industry |
Question 60 |
A | Lima |
B | Sao Paulo |
C | Bogota |
D | Rio de Janeiro |
E | Cali |
Question 61 |
A | Manufacturing |
B | Export industry |
C | Agriculture/Farming |
D | Research industry |
E | Military |
Question 62 |
A | Middle East |
B | Arabian Peninsula |
C | Egypt |
D | Maghreb |
E | Nile Delta |
Question 63 |
A | It is the most developed region in central African continent |
B | It is the term given by Americans to describe a large region with most politically stable pro-American governments |
C | It is a term use for describing the region |
D | It is a politically unstable geographical region located in the Eastern part of African continent |
E | It is the economically developed region of South Africa |
Question 64 |
A | Paraguay |
B | Brazil |
C | Chile |
D | Uruguay |
E | Bolivia |
Question 65 |
A | Peru |
B | Paraguay |
C | Venezuela |
D | Argentina |
E | Colombia |
Question 66 |
A | Common European ancestor |
B | Economic policies based on American style capitalism |
C | African culture |
D | Roman Catholicism |
E | Spanish culture |
Question 67 |
A | Egypt is a "cultural transitional zone" between Europe and Islamic World |
B | The dominant population is that of non-Arabic descent |
C | Large population concentrations situated along the Nile River |
D | Capital of Egypt, Cairo is located within the Neil delta |
E | Over 95% of the country is covered with desert regions |
Question 68 |
A | Equatorial (Central) Africa |
B | Mountain highlands |
C | West Africa |
D | North Africa |
E | Eastern Africa |
Question 69 |
A | Argentina |
B | Colombia |
C | Chile |
D | Peru |
E | Brazil |
Question 70 |
A | The Dutch colonial masters |
B | The Arabic elitists |
C | The British Empire |
D | The Portuguese and Spanish colonial masters |
E | The Roman Empire |
← |
List |
→ |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 |
36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 |
56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 |
66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
End |
Credits: Based on the excellent lectures provided by, Dr. Peter Slezak during Winter 2015.
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