Computer Science 217 – Introduction to Python
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Computer Science (CPSC 217-UCAL) Final Exam
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Question 1 |
s = 0
while s < 5:
.... s = (s + 1) % 2
.... print (s)
A | 0 1 0 1 0 1 |
B | 0 1 0 1 0 1... to infinity |
C | 1 0 1 0 1 0... to infinity |
D | 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0... to infinity |
E | 1 0 1 0 1 0 |
Question 2 |
A | Creation of the except block. |
B | Quitting the program by quit() function. |
C | Creation of the try block. |
D | Crash of the program. |
Question 3 |
A | [1, 2, 3] |
B | An error |
C | [4, 5, 6] |
D | 9 |
E | 3 |
Question 4 |
A | Use of binary based commands. |
B | Use of English language with UTF-8 and up coding system. |
C | Use of command line infrastructure. |
D | Built in libraries and and functions. |
Question 5 |
A | There is absolutely no reason to create any global variable regardless of the programming language. |
B | To create low memory intensive programs. |
C | To avoid repetition of the same variable in several functions. |
D | To avoid limitations of Python 3 coding structure. |
E | Only to create small scale programs. |
Question 6 |
A | high level programming language. |
B | relatively complex programming language. |
C | C# based programming language. |
D | low level programming language. |
Question 7 |
s = "Love Canada"
A | 8 |
B | all of the answers are incorrect! |
C | 10 |
D | 11 |
Question 8 |
A | False |
B | True |
Question 9 |
A | To create Python code with low level programing codes. |
B | To deal with large amounts of data. |
C | To lower failure rate of the connection between data and information. |
D | To allow flexibility for multiple programming languages to interact with each other. |
Question 10 |
while k > 10:
.... print ("ha")
.... k = k + 2
What's wrong with the code?
A | The program will NOT crash, but will also provide no print statements in the terminal. |
B | The program will crash due to inaccurate print statement. |
C | The usage of a while loop instead of a for loop will create inaccurate results. |
D | The variable k is not defined causing a NameError |
Question 11 |
s = [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9]]
what will be the output if you were to call in s[3][1] ?
A | 4 |
B | 5 |
C | An Index Error message |
D | 7 |
E | 6 |
Question 12 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 13 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 14 |
A | pass (i, x, y, z) = function (2, 90, 57, 23) |
B | function (i=2, x=90, y=57, z=23) Hint: No, you cannot assign default parameters to a function when it is called in! |
C | def function (i, x, y, z) |
D | def function (i=2, x=90, y=57, z=23) |
Question 15 |
.... print ("Done")
A | The function is not defined. |
B | The print statement formatting is wrong. |
C | The function failed to return any useful data. |
D | The function lacks any meaningful operations. |
E | The indentation pf the function is wrong. |
Question 16 |
s = [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9]]
what will be the output if you were to call in len(s) ?
A | 1 |
B | 5 |
C | 10 |
D | 4 |
E | 2 |
Question 17 |
A | 15 |
B | 0 |
C | 19 |
D | 54 |
E | 45 |
Question 18 |
s = [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9]]
what will be the output if you were to call in s[-2][0] ?
A | 2 |
B | Invalid Index Error |
C | 8 |
D | [8,9] |
E | 6 |
Question 19 |
A | It takes the output of the Python 3 program and use it as inputs for Java. |
B | It makes the communication between Python 3 and Java possible by opening input/output sequences on both direction. |
C | It injects the codes of Java into a Python 3 program for processing. |
D | It takes the code from Python 3 and use it to process graphical information using Java. |
Question 20 |
A | Yes |
B | No |
Question 21 |
data = "A male who lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada."
A | print(data[ :20]) |
B | print(data[25: ]) |
C | print([data:20]) |
D | print(data[ :25]) |
E | print(data[20: ]) |
F | print([data:25]) |
Question 22 |
A | 1 |
B | 9 |
C | 3 |
D | 45 |
E | 0 |
Question 23 |
A | Bubble |
B | Quick |
C | Insertion |
D | Selection |
Question 24 |
University of Calgary = Calgary
A | Yes |
B | No |
On the left side "University of Calgary" is NOT a valid variable name because you cannot have white space(in this case space) between variable letters. You MAY fix this by replacing a the variable name with, UniversityOfCalgary
Question 25 |
A | Canada Alberta Alberta Quebec |
B | Canada Quebec Alberta |
C | Canada Alberta Quebec |
D | Canada Alberta Quebec Alberta |
E | Alberta Quebec Canada |
F | An error will be printed because this code is not valid in Python 3. |
Question 26 |
myName = "Sanuja\nSenanayake"
print (myName)
A | Sanuja Senanayake |
B | Sanuja\nSenanayake |
C | SanujaSenanayake |
D | Senanayake Sanuja |
E | Sanuja Senanayake |
Question 27 |
A | False |
B | True |
Question 28 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 29 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 30 |
A | delete.test() |
B | clear.test() |
C | test.clear() |
D | del.keys() |
E | del.test() |
Question 31 |
A | input() |
B | Print() |
C | for i in range(9): |
D | float() |
Question 32 |
myList = [1,2,3,8,4,5,6]
A | myList.pop(8) |
B | myList = [8] |
C | myList.append(8) |
D | append.myList(8) |
Question 33 |
data = "Sanuja Senanayake , Calgary , , (403) 111-1111"
The elements should seperate; full name, city, web address, phone number. How do you do that?
A | list =" , ") |
B | list =" ") |
C | list = data.split(" , ") |
D | list = data.split(" ") |
E | data = data.split(" , ") |
Question 34 |
A | It will either crash or look for an except block before it will reach the function. |
B | It will stop working, just before it run to to the incorrect values. |
C | It will either crash or look for an except block once it has at least entered the function once. |
D | It will skip over the body of the function and run the rest of the code. |
Question 35 |
A | A tuple |
B | A dictionary |
C | A string |
D | A list |
Question 36 |
A | x and y values are both inclusive. |
B | x is inclusive and y is exclusive. |
C | x and y values are both exclusive. |
D | x is exclusive and y is inclusive. |
Question 37 |
A | inf = open (fileName.txt, "r") |
B | inf = open ("fileName.txt", "r") |
C | inf = open ("fileName.txt", r) |
D | inf = open ("fileName.txt", w) |
E | inf = open (fileName.txt, r) |
Question 38 |
A | float |
B | lists |
C | string |
D | integer |
E | boolean |
Question 39 |
A | False |
B | True |
Question 40 |
A | myDic |
B | haha |
C | my Dictionary |
D | c _b999 |
E | my1988 |
Question 41 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 42 |
A | closed() |
B | quit(-1) |
C | closed(-1) |
D | fclosed() |
E | quit() |
Question 43 |
A | runtime error(s). |
B | logic error(s). |
C | syntax error(s). |
D | invalid parameter error(s). |
E | Boolean error(s). |
Question 44 |
Python 3 is extensively used in which of the following programs/areas? (Not going to show up on the exam, but just for fun)
A | Online MMO servers |
B | BlackBerry 10 OS |
C | MS Access Database system |
D | Android OS |
E | Windows Server 2012 / Windows 8 Pro |
Question 45 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 46 |
A | A single function cannot have more than one result. |
B | Functions must always return a result. |
C | A function must take a parameter. |
D | A function must be predefined in order to call it in. |
Question 47 |
4 in [11,4,73,19,13,24]
A | True |
B | False |
C | Yes |
D | No |
E | 4 |
Question 48 |
value = 55
result = sqrt(55)
print (result)
A | Call in the sys library; import sys Request the function from sys; sys.sqrt() |
B | Call in the math library; import math |
C | Call in the math library; import math Request the function from math; math.sqrt() |
D | Call in the sys library; import sys Request the function from math; math.sqrt() |
E | Call in the math library; import math Request the function from sys; sys.sqrt() |
Question 49 |
sanuja = { }
A | sanuja["keyName"] = valueName |
B | sanuja[keyName] = valueName |
C | sanuja["keyName"] = "valueName" |
D | sanuja[keyName] = valueName |
Question 50 |
A | All the keys and associated values in two independent lists. |
B | All of the answers are wrong. |
C | A list of any dimension, except 1D containing all the values. |
D | A list of all the values in the dictionary, cbc. |
E | All the keys with no value data in a list. |
Question 51 |
A | for p in dic.keys(): |
B | for i in dic.key(): |
C | for j in key.dic(): |
D | for k in keys.dic(): |
Question 52 |
A | Binary Code |
B | Japanese |
C | Python 3 only |
D | Any version of Python up to and including Python 3 |
E | English |
F | Machine code |
Question 53 |
A | More than one and less than zero |
B | Unlimited given the condition that resources are unlimited |
C | One |
D | Cannot be more than the number of keys in a particular dictionary |
Question 54 |
power = input("Please enter a value: ")
answer = 5**power
print (answer)
A | 125 |
B | 25 |
C | 10 |
D | Error, mathematical operation with a string. |
Question 55 |
A | 3 |
B | 2 |
C | [7, 8, 9] |
D | [4, 5, 6] |
E | 5 |
Question 56 |
A | To quite a program in an event the output is invalid. Hint: No, you are confused with INPUT is invalid. This answer reads OUTPUT, hence it is wrong. |
B | To print out a meaningful error messages. |
C | To crash the program in an event the output is invalid. |
D | To limit errors. |
Question 57 |
Find the smallest number in the unsorted list, remove that number and add it to the end o the sorted list. Repeat this sequence until there are no numbers in the unsorted list.
A | bubble sort |
B | insertion sort |
C | selection sort |
D | quick sort |
Question 58 |
A | Pulling data out one at a time and comparing the values against information. |
B | Replacing data with information BEFORE processing them. |
C | Organization of data into tables. |
D | Splitting of large scale data schemes into small scale schemes. |
E | Replacing data with information AFTER processing the initial condition. |
Question 59 |
A | True |
B | False |
Windows \r\n
Question 60 |
A | An error |
B | 5 |
C | 6 |
D | 8 |
E | 2 |
Question 61 |
A | multipliers |
B | values |
C | lengths |
D | keys |
E | index numbers |
Question 62 |
A | False |
B | True |
Question 63 |
A | inf = open ("file_name.txt", "e") |
B | inf = open ("file_name.txt", "w") |
C | inf = open ("file_name.txt", "a") |
D | inf = open ("file_name.txt", "r") |
Question 64 |
s1 = [0, 1, 2, 3]
s2 = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
A | s3 = s1 + s2 |
B | Writing a "while" loop with an empty list called s3 = [] that will take each value of s1 and combine it with s2 using s3.append() |
C | Writing a "for" loop with an empty list called s3 = [] that will take each value of s1 and combine it with s2 using s3.append() |
D | Slice the either one of the lists into its elements and place them in a new list called s3. |
Question 65 |
A | The fail-over rate of a database. |
B | The complexity of the database. |
C | The structure of the data. |
D | The actual data that being stored. |
E | The user input processing by the database. |
Question 66 |
A | print ("It is %.2f" % VARIABLE, "TEXT HERE !") |
B | print ("It is %.2" % VARIABLE, "TEXT HERE !") |
C | print ("It is 2f" % VARIABLE, "TEXT HERE !") |
D | print ("It is %2f" VARIABLE % , "TEXT HERE !") |
E | print ("It is %.2" % VARIABLE, "TEXT HERE !") |
Question 67 |
A | tp = ( ) |
B | tp = " " |
C | tp = { } |
D | tp = [ ] |
Question 68 |
A | open |
B | math |
C | file |
D | sys |
E | sttder |
Question 69 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 70 |
s = [[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,7],[8,9]]
what will be the output if you were to call in s[3] ?
A | [6,7] |
B | [4,5] |
C | 2 |
D | 3 |
Question 71 |
A | A for loop |
B | A iteration loop |
C | A dictionary |
D | A while loop |
Question 72 |
A | It is used to send commands to database. |
B | It is a client side programming language used to display server side Python 3 language operations. |
C | It is used to take commands from several databases for comparison and analysis. |
D | It is used to take commands from a database. |
Question 73 |
A | myList = [2.5, -9.9, "sanuja", 9615, "BBC", 12] |
B | myList = {peace, "25", sanuja, "666", BBC, 2012} |
C | myList = [peace, "25", sanuja, "666", BBC, 2012] |
D | myList = {2.5, -9.9, "sanuja", 9615, "BBC", 12} |
E | myList = [peace, "25", sanuja, "666", BBC, 2012] |
F | myList = (1,2,3,UofC,5.5,#) |
Question 74 |
A | 5 |
B | 0 |
C | 1 |
D | 9999 |
E | -1 |
Question 75 |
myList = [ ]
A | append.myList("sanuja") |
B | append.myList(125) |
C | myList.append(sanuja) |
D | myList.append("125") |
Question 76 |
data = input("Please enter your name: ").rstrip()
A | To add the carriage return into the input statement. |
B | Take the carriage return out of the input statement. |
C | To add the white space formatting at the end of the print statement. |
D | Take the white space out of the end print statement. |
Question 77 |
A | keys |
B | commas |
C | units |
D | values |
Question 78 |
A | The formal parameters are the values passed into a function when it is called in and the actual parameters are variables in a function definition. |
B | The formal parameters are post defined and actual parameters are pre defined. |
C | The formal parameters are variables in a function definition and actual parameters are the values passed into a function when it is called in. |
D | The formal parameters are often used by armature programmers while, most companies and professionals opt for actual parameters in a function definition due it's flexibility. Hint: Whhhhahhhat? Nooooo! It is other way around you buffoon! 🙂 |
Question 79 |
A | selection sort |
B | loop sort |
C | bubble sort |
D | insertion sort |
E | quick sort |
Question 80 |
A | "\n text here" |
B | "\space text here" |
C | "\t text here" |
D | "\tab text here" |
Question 81 |
a = [ ] is a ...
b = { } is a ...
A | a = [ ] is a dictionary. b = { } is a tuple. |
B | a = [ ] is ais a tuple. b = { } is a dictionary. |
C | a = [ ] is a dictionary. b = { } is a list. |
D | a = [ ] is a list. b = { } is a dictionary. |
Question 82 |
A | F8D5 |
B | 10 1101 |
C | 10 0010 |
D | D56 |
Question 83 |
A | Text |
B | Stack |
C | Data |
D | Heap |
Question 84 |
A | Data is human readable and text is not human readable. |
B | Data hold program instructions typically in machine code and text point to all global consents and variables. |
C | Text hold program instructions typically in machine code and data point to all global consents and variables. |
D | Data points to information and text point to all global consents and variables. |
Question 85 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 86 |
A | A primary key is a unique value associated with each row in a table |
B | A dictionary cannot be updated using a loop (for loop or while loop) because a dictionary contains more than one dimension. Hint: You can use a loop with two conditions to append to a dictionary. |
C | In a relational database, the schema describes the structure of the data in the database |
D | Text files and databases are both viable options for managing large amounts of data |
E | In a string, there is a unique index number associated with each value. Hint: Strings do not have index numbers. |
Question 87 |
A | Take a reading from the first function and pass it to a variable. Then pass the variable to the next function. |
B | Take a return from the reading function and pass the return to a variable. Then pass the variable to the next function. |
C | After the writing the two functions, make first function equals to the second function. eg. fun1() = fun2() |
D | In Python 3, you cannot take data from one function and pass it to another. It is not a valid argument. |
Question 88 |
A | False |
B | True |
Question 89 |
A | 7DC |
B | 8DCD |
C | 7DDC |
D | 7C4 |
Question 90 |
A | True |
B | False |
Question 91 |
cost = 55.99
gst_multiplier = 0.07
gst = cost * gst_multiplier
total = cost + gst
print ("The total amount you pay %.2f" % total)
A | Yes, this simple program may work. |
B | No, this program will generate a no print statements because the initial amount is NOT a user input variable. |
C | No, this program will not work because the GST calculation is wrong for Fall 2012. |
D | No, this program will crash due to Syntax Error caused by invalid format specifiers. |
Question 92 |
A | set of binary codes. |
B | low level programming code. |
C | database. |
D | encrypted text files (128-bit to 256-bit server side). |
← |
List |
→ |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 |
36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 |
56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 |
66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 |
76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 |
86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 |
91 | 92 | End |
Credits: Based on the excellent class notes provided by, Dr. Ben Stephenson during Fall 2012.
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