Documentaries: Generally democratic

doc_democraticThe “democracy” is a term given to a wide range of government planing and administration methods, which in theory give the “power to the people”. Unfortunately our understanding of democratic systems are usually shaped by the mass media and the government itself. Contrariety to the popular belie, the democracy has fragmented into so many sub-ideologies, it is creating this false sense of morals across the world. The irony in the modern world democracy is, itself is popularized by the West (often) through violent American lead invasions.

Democracy My Way

doc_trumpedThe biggest lie the the history of mankind ever is the ranting of “we bring you peace”. The second one is, “we are here to bring you democracy”. It is almost like American lead west is chanting a some kind of sick religious prayer. In recent years, I have realized this is also fueled by so called free thinking mass media controlled by either the rich or the governments themselves. The Vietnam war is a very good example of brutality in the name of democracy. Human rights violations committed by Americans (Army), Canadians (CSIS) and the rest of the West and the East who provided aids to the anti-communist forces have committed more crimes than the Communists Part in Vietnam. During the violent terrorist campaign by the pro-Christian against native Vietnamese Buddhist (which the Christian West dines outright), the media such as BBC and CNN were not better than Hitler’s media in Nazi Germany. No one asked if those Vietnamese people are happy to be in a Communist environment, but everyone in the West telling the people of Vietnam what is right and what is wrong. How come this is democracy? When did an outsider teaching the natives what is right defines democracy? The identical situation is now being unfolded in Afghanistan and Iraq. Like in the old days, few years from now countries like Canada will do everything in their power to ease the history of their connection to American genocide. (There are a lot of “proofs” on Canadian involvement in Vietnam. But hay, if you go against the official story, you are a conspiracy nut – wow, free speech democracy eh?)

Faking the Right Way

Governments controlled by the rich and the powerful have mastered the art of lie. It is now harder to determine what is the pure truth because every bits and pieces of information we get comes from very few controlled sources. For example, do you know out of 50 to 60 new papers and media outlets in Canada are owned and controlled by less than 10 companies? Did you know the US media and banks are almost 100% backed by either drug dealers or weapons manufactures/traffickers? The political arena also have filled with lobby group with special interest to protect their masters. While citizens of a country votes for puppets, it is the those “big guys” who actually run your “democratic nation”. The following documentaries are some of many that I came across on how we are wrong about democracy. I honesty do not see a difference between democracy and the communism or socialism. But I rather support socialism than capitalism because capitalism poisons not only the government but also the minds of people over a long period of time.

True Face of Western Democracy

People controls the governments in the West? Do you think that the democracy is a true open system in the West? Do you think only the Communist abuse power? Check these out;

You’ve been Trumped (2011)

American Drug War: The Last White Hope (2007)

Breaking Inequality

After you watch these documentaries, some of you who are still in denial would believe we are generally democratic. What the hell that means? I heard this from many Canadians whenever they find themselves in difficult situations such as Canada’s right to participate in NATO’s Afghanistan war. As a society if we tolerate deviation from true democracy, then how come we do not tolerate rape by labeling it as generally it is just sex?

Export and import SQL databases

Migrating SQL/MySQL databases from one location to another is not something most of you will do. There are circumstances where migrating a database from the administration side of a server is easier than trying to manually copy data. If you change your web host (or server) after creating databases in the current location or if you wanted to back up your database files manually, then it is essential to know the fundamentals of migration.

Continue reading Export and import SQL databases

A Geologist’s Vacation in Canada

Most people know me as a Geology student, a computer guy or a mix of both. As a part of my Geology degree at the University of Calgary, I participated in field schools. They are a valuable asset to get hands on experience. However, how many of you would like to explore the Geology in your area but have no idea what to look for?

I complied set of pictures showing good Geological features (mostly structural) I took last year in Western Canada. I will post the locations later sometimes so you can also have Geologist’s Vacation!

Please click on the images to view the higher resolution one. The captions identify the major feature in each photo.

Bed formation with a strong orientation.
Bed formation with a strong orientation.
Chilled margin of a granitic intrusion.
Chilled margin of a granitic intrusion.
Coal seam at K-P (K-T).
Coal seam at K-P (K-T).
Coal in the K-P (K-T) boundary.
Coal in the K-P (K-T) boundary.
K-P (former K-T) Boundary in Alberta.
K-P (former K-T) Boundary in Alberta.
Relationship between a Fault and a Dyke. Can you tell which one came first?
Relationship between a Fault and a Dyke. Can you tell which one came first?
Fossils at Exshaw, AB
Fossils at Exshaw, AB
Fault steps
Fault steps
Glacial Till (Deposits)
Glacial Till (Deposits)
Quartz Veins
Quartz Veins
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.
Stylolites (Pressure Dissolution) Structural Feature.

Creating a skin from Graphene theme

Please note this article is specifically written using Graphene Theme. The concepts can be implemented on others themes with slight modifications.

Yes, WP is a very flexible CMS with wide range of third party extensions. Another reason for it’s flexibility is that the developers of WordPress CMS are pushing for multipurpose program. Within few years of launch, it went from a casual and easy to use blogging platform to a large scale web management system. To me it is a good thing for average user. Like I always believe, jack of all trades is better than mater of none.

Continue reading Creating a skin from Graphene theme

Customizing the editor for coding

A lot of people hate software just because they do not like the look and feel of the user interface. Surprisingly even the knowledgeable “geeks” have strong preferences on the GUI (Graphical User Interface). This often takes away the focus from functionality and versatility of programs and impact negatively on high-quality products.

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