Tag Archives: academic

Samples for Lab Final GLGY381

Geology lab samples for Sedimentary Rocks and Processes: Origin, identification, classification and interpretation of sediments, siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporite rocks. Study of sediment/rock components (minerals), fossils and textures in hand sample and thin section; sedimentary structures and processes; introduction to depositional environments; burial, lithification and diagenesis; applications, including introduction to basin analysis/tectonics, exploration for water and petroleum resources, etc.

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Samples for Lab Midterm GLGY381

Table: Trace fossils, toponomical, morphological and ethological data
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Ichogenus Topo Morphology Nature of Fill Ethology
HR rounded pits, cms in diameter and depth, unlined Same as overlaying unit Resting or Drewlling
FR (SR) regular, root-like branching burrow system, tunnels of uniform diameter, mm-scale, unlined Mud fill in sand host or sand fill in mud host Feeding
HR v-shape(bi-lobed), furrow with scratch marks same as overlaying unit crawling or grazing
FR vertical to inclined, concentrically lined, flares upwards, never branch tube usually filled with massive sand Dwelling
(bad images, to be replaced)
FR vertical U-shaped, spreiten borrows, “3D” tubes filled with massive sand Dwelling
FR (SR) very small sharp-walled/tunnels, usually found on calcareous shells unfilled, sediment or cement Dewlling, Feeding
FR (SR) horizontal to inclined, sometimes branched, J-shape hooks and arcs, mm-size Usually mud fill in sand host Feeding or Grazing
FR (SR) horizontal to inclined, rarely branched tunnels that almost never overlap or touch, lining is caused by the qz-rich sand core and lithic-rich outer core sand fill in sand Feeding
HR “poop”-like, cm-scale, vertical, inclined – horizontal borrow system, lined with agglutinated pelletoidal sediment/fecal pellet mixture, “Y” or “T” shaped branching usually sand fill (same as host) Dwelling
FR (SR) horizontal tunnels, never branch, think mud lining, often small scale and can cross over same fill as host Dwelling
HR un-branched, light coloured halo(too small to see), mm-scale, horizontal to inclined, J-shaped/hooks mud fill silty halo Feeding or Grazing
FR (SR) overlapping horizontal tunnels, unlined, sometimes branching, , looks like palaeophycus, but sinusoidal Mud fill in sand or sand fill in mud Feeding

FR (SR) horizontal to inclined burrow with spreite, unlined or sometimes thin mud lining Tubes filled with massive sand, “2D”(horizontal to bedding) Feeding or Dwelling
HR or ER bi-lobed, round, oval to heart shaped, shallow pits with scratch marks, lava like lumpy Same as overlaying unit Resting
FR vertical to inclined shaft, sharp walled, sometimes thinly mud lined tube usually filled with massive sand Dwelling
FR horizontal to inclined tube upward-migratied to produce spreite, unlined, never branched alternating sand/slit/mud (massive sand) Feeding or Dwelling
FR cm-scaled tunnels/shafts or club shaped burrows, sharp walled, never branch, never overlap, small bumps sand fill in with woody or coal material Dwelling or Feeding
FR cm-scale, Y or T shaped branches, horizontal to inclined vertical burrow system, smooth/sharp wall, unlined or very thin mud lining usually sand fill in mud (different from host) Dwelling or Feeding
FR fan like circular shape, flat, curved or inclined, spreite in the xsection, causive burrow is cm-scale vertical shaft alternating mud fill, sand and poop Feeding or Grazing

Stratigraphic cross section at Exshaw, Alberta

Exshaw, Alberta. Copyright © 2012

Location: 11 U 0627438 E / 5658531 N (UTM-WGS-84 with ~4m accuracy)

Total thickness: 205.57 m

Average strike and dip: about ~ 150/50 (using the University of Calgary right-hand rule)

Notice: Data is based on Continue reading Stratigraphic cross section at Exshaw, Alberta

Review paper for Academic English

This is the final paper for Academic English Science 311: Write & Review Scientific Reports class at University of Calgary. This is for your references only and please do not copy my work and submit as your own. You can read my other paper for this class here.

Effects of Radon Exposure From The Uranium Mining
Sanuja Senanayake

Dr. S1234567
Science 311
[Word Count: 1879]

Continue reading Review paper for Academic English

Is technology making you dumber?

Do you remember writing a letter on a piece of paper to a friend during the last few weeks? How about texting or calling that friend during the last few hours? What is the last time you used spell check on a typing software like MS Word? What is the last time you pick up a printed encyclopedia to find information for a school/work paper? Forget about going to the library and picking up the Encyclopedia Britannica because after 200+ years of printing the book in March 2012, the publishers decided they will only issue electronic/digital editions of Britannica. It is an advantage that items like Encyclopedia Britannica is now electronic. If you were to find a single article in the encyclopedia of full of thousands of articles, it will consume a lot of time to find the right one. With the electronic version you have the advantage to quickly search the item and dig into even more refined articles you didn’t even know about. The software version of Britannica will not only find all the related articles in a second, it will even create a map of according to relevance to the searched topic. But this is not the scenario for all the items available electronically. This paper will specifically address the issue of distractions related to technological tools. Continue reading Is technology making you dumber?