Analysis paper for Academic English

I am taking an Academic English class called Scientific Reports Writing. I have to write two papers in this class on a specific scientific subject. I decided to post my work online so that everyone can read it. If you have to take Science 311 at University of Calgary, this paper even give you an idea on what to expect.

Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Contaminated Soil in Polar Regions
Sanuja Senanayake

Dr. S1234567
Science 311
[Word Count: 1244]

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Core of Geoscience

As a second year Geology Undergraduate I am in the middle of my journey towards becoming a professional in the field of Geoscience. One of the things a student in geology compared to a student in another scientific field would notice is that after elementary geology classes, the Geoscience spread in to a wide range of different academic disciplines. Geology program covers, material science, engineering/physics, chemistry, actuarial science and even art. Other than engineering, the geological applications of these subjects are the most practical use of these fields. For example, geochemistry has more practical real world applications than general chemistry or there are more jobs for geophysics majors than physics majors. Continue reading Core of Geoscience

What was your new year resolution?

Just curious… it is already the 06-January and if someone ask me what is my goal for the new year, I would say spend less time on the net. Of course it would be impossible with my love for computers and technology.

A lot of people make resolutions for the new year. What is yours? Let me know by either commenting or emailing.

Having said that, this may be my last post for a long period of time. I am going back to school this Monday and once the school stuff get rolling, I will have hand full of work in order to be successfully earn good GPA for all the courses. Wish me good luck!

Why choose applied science & engineering?

It is in our popular cultures to encourage people to follow their dreams and life’s goals. What if those dreams leads to troublesome future? What if the dreams are unrealistic or impossible to achieve? In my opinion, when it comes to education, it is important for the students to make decisions that makes sense for the future rather than just chase dreams because in Canada, the higher education is not free and even if it is free you will abuse the free educational system by jumping from one to another. Continue reading Why choose applied science & engineering?

Thank you Google for all the free stuff

When I first started working with HTML, one problem I run in to was in order to create a great user experience I had to import scripts from several different third party service providers. For example, the site visitor data was kept by a one company and the contact form from another. The problem is that these companies that provide such services are asking too much in return from web developers. Not only they forcefully post pop-up ads and other useless materials, but also referral URLs to back to their sites are often open in the same window causing the visitor to exit the site itself. I managed to avoid some of these issues by loading PHP, SQL and Java databases to the server and facilitating packages such as WordPress. For items such as Contact forms now I use my own PHP script that save data on my own server. For visitor logging I created the ip log file code, but it is time consuming to go over millions of IP addresses to analyzing treads and traffic flow to this site. Continue reading Thank you Google for all the free stuff