How to choose a computer based on your needs

When you want to buy a laptop or a desktop, there are many options available in the Canadian market. A lot of Canadians buy several computers within a short period because compared to other countries in Asia and Europe, we have one of the lowest prices in consumer electronics. While it is an advantage, often consumers buy products that far exceed their needs. I will do my best to explain the differences between computers and how to choose one based on your lifestyle. The article is written towards college and university students.

What is the best brand of computers out there?
This is a very common question with no straight forward answer. Performance and durability of the machine will varies depend on the model. For example, high-end HP that goes for ~$2000+ will outperform against a ~500 Asus. But if we were to compare similarly configured laptops, the Asus will be the best brand because they have the lowest failure rate. If we look at the overall failure rates regardless of the price, it is clear that Asus and Toshiba has led the way during the last three years.

Laptop failure rate by manufacturer 2010
Laptop failure rate by manufacturer 2010

Which type of computer should I buy?
Most people buy a laptop because it is portable. But if you go for a unit that is ranked in either end of the laptop spectrum, you will be disappointed. The powerful gaming units are heavy and large. Hence it is not practical to use as a school or work computer unless you are not planning to take it with you.

Laptop failure rate by type 2010
Laptop failure rate by type 2010

While it is important to buy a light weight small laptop for daily use, keep in mind the failure rate of netbooks are higher compared to conventional laptops. Not to worry because the manufactures have noticed this problem and now the netbooks are phased out from the Canadian market. In few months the netbook and laptops will be replaced by a new kid in town; the ultrabooks.

What are ultrabooks?
There are two major problems with netbooks. As you already know from the previous statement, the high failure rate. The other problem is exception to very few netbook with laptop processors, almost all of the netbooks are underpowered for daily tasks. Even the most basic operations such as loading emails can be a problem on a netbook. The processors used in netbooks are cheaper alternatives to regular processors and often the motherboard can only support maximum of 2 GB of RAM. Hence, it is difficult to run about 90% of the Windows applications out there. The solution is ultrabooks; much higher price than that of laptops, but much lighter and faster with a lower failure rate. The average price of a portable computer (aka laptop) will go up in the next few months. The ultrabooks will replace both the netbooks and laptops. Even now, there are ultrabooks that can compete against the fastest laptop out there.

There are problems in ultrabooks too. One is the lack of video memory support. To this day, not a single ultrabook has been released with 1 GB of dedicated video memory. Another problem is that solid sate hard drives (SSD) are very expensive. The manufactures of ultrabooks often limit the storage space to 128 GB or 256 GB at the most. Considering now we have cloud and NAS storage solutions, almost everyone with the access to Internet can avoid running out of storage space. But still, 128 GB may not be enough for power users who install several different high-end programs such as AutoCad. According to experts in consumer electronics market, while the price of SSDs will drop over time, the gap in price between a conventional hard drive and a SSD will not be lowered anytime soon. Hopefully this will change as technology process at this exponential rate.

After all the reading, are you still confused? Well, it is your choice which computer you want to buy. However, it is pointless to buy a racing car in a city where the maximum speed limit is 80 km/hr. If we apply that same principle to portable computers, then you should not spend your money on a high-end computer that you don’t need.

If you are an art or engineering student and you are planning to use graphical software(CAD, video editing, etc), you have to buy a high-end laptop because ultrabooks lacks the dedicated video support.

If you are a science student and most of you courses will be based on programs like MathLab or Geologic, then ultrabooks are the best choice. If you have to use graphical software that require a high-powered graphic card, then again, you will have to go for a laptop.

If you are business or accounting student, look no further than ultrabooks.

If you are buying a computer for your personal use, consider if you want to carry a light ultrabook or a heavy laptop. Consider your travel and software needs before purchasing a computer. If you don’t mind spending the money and you only use the computer for few software, ultrabooks are the best.

Hope this article help you guys out and I will do my best to keep you updated on upcoming new portable computers.

Volunteerism in a whole old level

For millions of years volunteerism has been a part of our civilization across the world. The well known African proverb, it takes a village to raise a child, is a classic example of community volunteering spirit. In recent years, developed countries like Canada promoted a new kind of volunteerism; the “mutual volunteerism”. What makes this Canadian version differ from the traditional volunteerism? This is where old traditions collide with modern traditions. Recently a Sri Lankan Member of Parliament accused Sri Lankans of not doing enough volunteer work. In addition Continue reading Volunteerism in a whole old level

Review paper for Academic English

This is the final paper for Academic English Science 311: Write & Review Scientific Reports class at University of Calgary. This is for your references only and please do not copy my work and submit as your own. You can read my other paper for this class here.

Effects of Radon Exposure From The Uranium Mining
Sanuja Senanayake

Dr. S1234567
Science 311
[Word Count: 1879]

Continue reading Review paper for Academic English

Oh Canada, what a country!

Here are some little known fun facts about Canada. Most of them are government regulations and while some laws are reasonable, all of them are controversial for sure. I know that there are stupid laws in many other countries. But I live in Canada and that’s why this article is on questionable Canadian laws and regulations.

-Canada is probably the only country in the world that defending your own property is a crime. For example, if someone tries to rob you, you cannot defend your property because the robbers can take you to court for attacking them.

-While EU and most Asian countries will allow their passport and government ID card holders to smile on their picture, Canada do not allow anyone to smile. In fact, most Canadians looks pissed on their passport photos.

-Every fifth song broadcast on radio must be a Canadian song. What qualify as a Canadian song? The artist must be born in Canada.

-It is illegal to pay a large amount with pennies even though penny is a government security backed deposit like any other type of money.

-While euthanasia is kind of legal in Canada, it is illegal to help someone kill themselves.

-In Nova Scotia it is illegal to water the lawn if it is raining outside.

-In most provinces you must follow the speed limits when driving. You should not drive too slow or too fast to the posted speed limit. However, the bicycles have the right of the way on roads even though there are designated bicycle paths.

-In Québec, all business and cooperate signs must be in French. You can have English signs, but then the French one must be 2 times bigger than the English one.

-There are a lot of rights given to Canadians by the Federal government. But most of them are illegal through the bylaws of City and Provincial governments. Basically one law contradicts the other. Example would be the right to protest on publically owned government properties.

-Most laws are invalid once you enter a “private property”. The only problem here is ANY institution can make private laws as they desire. University regulations on students behaviours, for example, often violates even the Canadian human rights codes.

-In most metropolitan areas, the city government dictate what colour your house can be painted. Sometimes the law even applies to the colours inside the house as well.

-Anywhere in Canada, it is illegal to remove bandages in public. But people do this anyway.

-In Guelph, the city is a no-pee zone.

-In most places, either by government laws or by neighborhood/condo regulations, it is illegal to have a clothes line.

-It is illegal to drive a car naked and/or without shoes under most provincial laws.

-You are allow to criticize government as Canada claim to be a democratic country. But it is illegal to criticize the Governor General or the Queen.

-It is illegal to criticize professors or teachers in Canada. You will be expelled from the institutions.

-It is still illegal to commit suicide, making Canada one of those few first world countries to have this law. But, who will be going to jail? The dead body?

-In most provinces, no matter what happen and how it happens, if a pedestrian get hit by a vehicle, it is always the driver’s fault. For example, if I cross the road in a middle of 100 km/hr highway and you hit me, it is YOUR fault even though I am illegally crossing the road.

-It seems in Canada there are more laws to protect criminals than the victims in all three levels of governments; city, provincial and federal.

Why you should unlock the phone?

All mobile phones from basic phones to smartphones comes in two different formats. One would be the factory unlocked format and the other is the locked format. The locked version of the phone is produced by manufactures at the request of the service providers such as Rogers, Bell, Telus, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc. These companies can request for several types of locks such as, SIM lock, Network lock, Network Continue reading Why you should unlock the phone?