GLGY 202 – Applications of Geoscience
Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are made. It takes several proof readings and rewrites to bring the quiz to an exceptional level. If you find an error, please contact me as soon as possible. Please indicate the question ID-Number or description because server may randomize the questions and answers.
Geology 202 final exam is typically cumulative with greater emphasis on the last section of the course. It is recommended to use both the Midterm Exam and this Final Exam when preparing for the final exam.
Go to: Midterm Exam
Geology (GLGY 202-UCAL) Final Exam
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Question 1 |
A | Sand |
B | Cobble |
C | Silt |
D | Clay |
E | Gravel |
Question 2 |
A | It is highly abundant in large volumes throughout the world. |
B | It is found in shallow deposits that are much more economical to drill. |
C | It has a less impact on the environment than conventional methane. |
D | It has a higher energy content per cubic feet than conventional methane. |
E | It is a much more stable version of the conventional gas hence better safety for those who produce it and use it. |
Question 3 |
A | Earth material capable of supplying groundwater at a useful rate from a well. |
B | Areas with high enough hydraulic gradients that can support flow of water. |
C | None of the listed answers are correct. |
D | Areas of high hydraulic pressures. |
E | Bodies of water that can sustain a diverse range of aquatic life. |
Question 4 |
A | Increased in subsurface permeability. |
B | Increased in rainfall. |
C | Increased in surface water evaporation rate. |
D | Increased in sediment compaction rate. |
E | Increased in subsurface porosity. |
Question 5 |
A | Anoxic subsurface conditions. |
B | Slow burial and lithification of sediments. |
C | None of the answers are correct. |
D | Abundance of subsurface water. |
E | Lower pressures in subsurface than normal. |
Question 6 |
A | Violent shaking of the ground. |
B | Compressional wave. |
C | Sudden lowering of the water table. |
D | Loud noises produced at the fault line. |
E | Shaking of buildings and other infrastructures. |
Question 7 |
A | Rivers with larger lateral movement (meanderings) trend to have wider floodplains. |
B | The 100 year flood only occurs in every 100 years or so. |
C | Oxbow lakes forms outside of floodplains. |
D | There are no historical records of floods near Bow and Elbow rivers in Calgary. |
E | Floodplains floods are typical and can be predicted with very good accuracy (within a week). |
Question 8 |
A | None of the answers listed here are correct. |
B | A proposed epoch that begins when human activities started to have a significant global impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems. |
C | An atmospheric condition where the natural chemical composition significantly impact the well-being of organisms. |
D | A type of activity or activities that would impact the global environment. |
E | A type of sedimentary layers that often produce very high grade bitumen in Alberta. |
Question 9 |
A | Fault trap |
B | Pinchout trap |
C | Salt dome trap |
D | Anticline trap |
E | Lens trap |
F | Unconformity trap |
Question 10 |
A | Comets contains specific assemblage of minerals that are not found in asteroids. |
B | Asteroids are made up of metals and rocky material, while comets are made up of ice, dust and rocky material. |
C | Comets usually burn out in the Earth's atmosphere while asteroids can travel across it to reach the Earth's surface. |
D | Asteroids are originates in the near Earth elliptical orbit, while comets originates between Jupiter and Mars. |
E | Comets are larger versions of asteroids that are heavier, |
Question 11 |
A | A concentration of ore grade mineral with at least 3% of precious metals. |
B | A concentration of ore grade minerals that can be economically mined. |
C | A deposit of precious metals. |
D | A shallow deposits of ore grade minerals within the Earth's crust. |
Question 12 |
A | 2 weeks |
B | Up to tens of thousands of years |
C | 10 days |
D | Tens of years |
E | Thousands of years |
Question 13 |
A | Reducing environments are associated with placer deposits. |
B | Staining of beds due to weathering is associated with higher concentration of quartz in the subsurface. |
C | The most pressing issue with mercury is that it is a metal but it act as a liquid. |
D | Typically ore minerals dissolve under oxidizing environments. |
E | Ice produced by your refrigerator is a mineral by definition. |
2. Stating is associated metallic and ore minerals.
Question 14 |
A | secondary-enrichment deposit. |
B | residual mineral deposit. |
C | Mississippi Valley-type deposit. |
D | placer deposit. |
E | magmatic deposit. |
Question 15 |
A | Liquefaction |
B | Landslides |
C | Building collapse |
D | All of the listed can be caused by an earthquake. |
E | Fires |
Question 16 |
A | It measure the capacity to change energy balance. |
B | It measures radiation of the sun and planets. |
C | It is a measurement of radioactivity of ore minerals such as uraninite. |
D | It measures the intensity of any wave in the entire light spectrum. |
E | It measure the energy within the visible light spectrum. |
Question 17 |
A | Radium-226 |
B | Lead-206 |
C | Polonium-218 |
D | Thorium-234 |
E | Lead-214 |
Question 18 |
A | differences between lithologies when move across an area with change in longitude. |
B | significant differences between two mineral grains next to each other. |
C | difference in elevations between the highest and lowest points of landform. |
D | significant differences between two lithologies. |
E | slopes of hills or mountains. |
Question 19 |
A | Sandy deposits found near the mouth of deltas. |
B | Channels cut in to the soil by erosion. |
C | Scraping left behind by glaciers such as glacial migration. |
D | Type of sand that liquefy during an earthquake. |
Question 20 |
A | Middle East and Asia/Australia |
B | Middle East and Europe/Eurasia |
C | Middle East and Africa |
D | Middle East and North America |
E | Middle East and Latin America |
Question 21 |
A | Bioremediation |
B | Consolidation |
C | Chemical mitigation |
D | Intervention |
E | Environmental mitigation |
Question 22 |
A | E horizon |
B | A horizon |
C | C horizon |
D | B horizon |
Question 23 |
A | Permian |
B | Cambrian |
C | Devonian |
D | Cretaceous |
E | Triassic |
Question 24 |
A | 2/5 of world's rivers. |
B | 1/2 of world's rivers. |
C | 2/3 of world's rivers. |
D | 90% to100% of world's rivers. |
E | 1/5 of world's rivers. |
Question 25 |
A | North American should not worry about tsunamis because it is impossible for occur anywhere near us. |
B | Tsunamis can only originate at plate boundaries. |
C | Velocity of the tsunami wave is higher if the depth of ocean which the wave originate is higher. |
D | Tsunamis only have devastating effect on Japan and other Asian countries, hence the Japanese term "tsunami". |
E | Frequency of tsunamis has significantly increased due to global warming or climate change. |
Question 26 |
A | Determination of confined or unconfined condition is based on overall porosity of the aquifer with confined having much lower porosity than the surrounding region. |
B | Confined aquifers are characterized by having an impermeable lithologic layer above the aquifer. |
C | Confined aquifers are characterized by having an impermeable lithologic layers around the aquifer. |
D | Confined aquifers only formed in high depths in the subsurface while unconfined aquifers formed closer to the surface. |
E | Confined aquifers are characterized by having low permeability and low flow rate in lateral direction. |
Question 27 |
A | Vibration sensors in very deep sub surface. |
B | Monitoring animal behaviors. |
C | Clusters of seismic stations near fault zones. |
D | Areal electromagnetic surveys. |
E | Electronic and computerized earthquake monitoring systems. |
Question 28 |
A | Iron |
B | Nickel |
C | Titanium |
D | Chrome |
Question 29 |
A | Clay |
B | Limestone |
C | Sand |
D | Sandstone |
E | Gravel |
Question 30 |
A | uranium , aluminum |
B | minerals , aggregates |
C | coal , bitumen |
D | unconsolidated materials , solid rock materials |
E | heavy metals , precious metals |
Question 31 |
A | About 70% |
B | About 50% |
C | About 90% |
D | About 1% |
E | About 10% |
Question 32 |
A | Papers are highly weighted towards evidence. |
B | Influence of political and social pressures on scientists. |
C | Too many contradicting statements in published papers. |
D | Research are influenced by ideologies of funding organizations. |
E | Propaganda based science taking over facts bases science. |
Question 33 |
A | Nearly straight and shallow channels |
B | Sharp and steep channel walls |
C | Gradients less than the slope of the land which they form |
D | Deposits of sand bodies on the channel floor |
E | Meandering sequences |
Question 34 |
A | Increased in rainfall and surface runoff |
B | Natural subsidence |
C | Increased in soil and land erosion in the area |
D | Eustatic change and isostatic uplift |
E | Global warming or climate change |
Question 35 |
A | Volcanoes |
B | Earthquakes |
C | Floodplains |
D | Global warming |
Question 36 |
A | upper crust. |
B | lower atmosphere. |
C | mantle. |
D | hydrological water reservoirs. |
E | oceans. |
Question 37 |
A | Increased in overburden load. |
B | Increased in the groundwater table. |
C | Increased compaction of subsurface sediments. |
D | Decrease in pore pressures in the subsurface. |
E | Rapid melting of permafrost. |
Question 38 |
A | global science. |
B | natural science. |
C | climate change science. |
D | earth system science. |
E | evolutionary natural science. |
Question 39 |
A | Upper most layer of the lithosphere. |
B | Combination of atmosphere and lithosphere (as a one system). |
C | Upper most part of the atmosphere that includes only the exosphere. |
D | Lower most part of the atmosphere that includes only the troposphere and stratosphere. |
E | Frozen water part of the Earth system. |
Question 40 |
A | Visible light |
B | Shortwave |
C | X-Rays |
D | Ultraviolet Rays |
E | Gamma Rays |
Question 41 |
A | animals , plants |
B | two carbon atoms , three or more carbon atoms |
C | under low pressure environments , under high pressure environments |
D | at higher depths , at shallower depths |
E | at specific temperature interval , only from specific types of organic matter |
Question 42 |
A | Politicization of science |
B | Not enough research funds |
C | Not enough researchers working in this area |
D | Not enough scientific data |
E | It is dividing the world leading to wars |
Question 43 |
A | High topographic relief |
B | Low vegetation |
C | High urbanization |
D | High permeability |
E | High porosity |
Note: You could argue for high porosity. But from physics and fluid dynamic point of view, having high porosity with low permeability would not help the migration of water from the surface to the subsurface.
Question 44 |
A | Not having enough data to prove one way another |
B | Politicization of science itself |
C | Poor understanding of the Earth as a system rather than a single entity |
D | Overpopulation due to higher human reproduction |
E | Lack of funding for research |
Question 45 |
A | carbon-hydrogen bonds. |
B | kerogen. |
C | inorganic compounds. |
D | transitional metals and carbons. |
E | carbon-oxygen bonds. |
Question 46 |
A | Mostly solids at room temperature |
B | Strong covalent bonds |
C | Conducts electricity |
D | Can be purified through smelting |
E | Malleable |
Question 47 |
A | Galena |
B | Chromite |
C | Dolomite |
D | Bornite |
E | Hematite |
Question 48 |
A | MVT is caused by leeching of existing ore bodies in shallow subsurface and precipitating them elsewhere as a different ore body. |
B | MVT is caused by ground water reach in deep into the subsurface which eventually return to surface and precipitate ore minerals. |
C | MVT is caused by magmatic solutions entering lower pressure and lower temperature regions. |
D | MVT is caused by differential gradient in acidity of ground water. |
Question 49 |
A | Between vadose and saturation zones. |
B | Below the saturation zone. |
C | Above the the vadose zone. |
D | Above the B soil horizon. |
E | Below the saturation zone and above the vadose zone. |
Question 50 |
A | Chemical pollution through gasoline based ORVs in environmentally sensitive areas. |
B | Noise pollution due to large ORV enthusiasts gatherings. |
C | Polluting the drinking water supply. |
D | Mechanical weathering, compaction and erosion of soil. |
E | Increased use of non-renewable products used in the manufacturing of ORVs. |
Question 51 |
A | Significantly smaller cone of depression. |
B | Lowering of the local water table. |
C | Increase in regional pore pressures. |
D | Land subsidence. |
Question 52 |
A | rich in organic matter. |
B | undergoing subsidence. |
C | characterized by a large basin. |
D | undergoing rapid deposition and sedimentation. |
E | subject to rapid oxidation. |
Question 53 |
A | Kinetic energy of the atoms. |
B | Friction between sub-atomic particles. |
C | Steam produced by heated fluids such as water. |
D | Radiation energy. |
Question 54 |
A | It can be caused by both natural and human processes. |
B | It is only observed in regions where there are mines. |
C | In occurs only in coastal regions where there is an abundant of salts. |
D | It is only caused by human activities such as agriculture. |
Question 55 |
A | Political disputes between Norway and Russia is delaying progress towards extraction. |
B | Methane hydrates cannot be used as a fuel source for modern energy needs. |
C | The deposit is too small for exploration and production. |
D | The cost of extraction is too high and cannot be covered due to the current gas market prices. |
Question 56 |
A | Ethane |
B | Chlorine vapor/gas |
C | Propane |
D | Methane |
E | Butane |
Question 57 |
A | Volcanic eruptions. |
B | Positioning of a large asteroid near Earth. |
C | Plate tectonics. |
D | Extraterrestrial impact on Earth. |
Question 58 |
A | A mineral that can be used to for vital processes such in the medical industry. |
B | A mineral that falls under one of the toughest and strongest categories of Moh Scale of Hardness. |
C | A mineral that has a very high density. |
D | A mineral that is extracted from the upper crust that is used by people. |
E | A mineral that expensive due to rarity. |
Question 59 |
A | Seismologists are too stupid to understand earthquakes. |
B | Modeling of seismic data can provide more specific time and magnitude intervals for future seismic activities. |
C | All models are 100% based on data obtained from past natural seismic activities. |
D | Seismic predictions are all based on imperial evidence. |
E | All determinations are based on random probability statistics. |
Question 60 |
A | as a result of America (USA) becoming a superpower. |
B | due to over population. |
C | as a result of the industrial revolution. |
D | after the French revolution. |
E | as a result of improvements in technological industry. |
Question 61 |
A | well within natural Holocene range of variability with some anomalies. |
B | composed of very high variability than what you would expect in Holocene. |
C | much higher than the previous decade. |
D | showing exponential increased in temperatures. |
Question 62 |
A | Epidote |
B | Plagioclase Feldspar |
C | Quartz |
D | Orthoclase feldspar |
E | Calcite |
Question 63 |
A | The groundwater reservoirs are often being depleted due to reduction in seepage and infiltration. |
B | Significant decrease in groundwater pollution due to advanced water treatment facilities in urban areas. |
C | Increase groundwater recharge due to higher infiltration of water during storm events. |
D | The groundwater discharge rate increases with increased in surface water runoff. |
Question 64 |
A | release atomic and subatomic particles. |
B | generate light energy. |
C | None of the answers are correct. |
D | increase potential energy. |
E | slowing down the chemical reaction. |
Question 65 |
A | Air pumps |
B | Railways |
C | Mineral or metal deposit itself |
D | New roads |
E | Fresh water pipelines |
Question 66 |
A | They can be used to model hydrocarbon reservoirs elsewhere. |
B | They can provide detailed information on paleo-environments. |
C | They are used to locate large deposits of hydrocarbons in the Canadian Arctic. |
D | They can be used for determining the exact location of the true North. |
E | Geologists are looking for new sources of fresh water for the growing human population. |
Question 67 |
CO2(aq) + H2O --> H2CO3 --> HCO3− + H+ --> ________ + 2H+.
A | H3O+ |
B | H2O |
C | CO32− |
D | H2O2 |
Question 68 |
A | are always scary. |
B | have distinctive amplitudes and wavelengths, which can be used to detect them earlier. |
C | travel perpendicular to the equator. |
D | are about 10 times faster than a regular waves. |
E | generate high frequency noise. |
Question 69 |
A | Mexico |
B | Sri Lanka |
C | Canada |
D | India |
E | Tanzania |
Question 70 |
A | It takes a lot of time to process just a 1L of water. |
B | It is difficult to build a desalination plant next to the ocean. |
C | It requires specialized micro-bacteria to remove salt. |
D | There is no proven technology. |
E | The process requires large amount of energy. |
Question 71 |
A | Hydrocarbon Sector |
B | Resource Section |
C | Optimal Range |
D | Oil Window |
Question 72 |
A | Diesel |
B | Coal |
C | Natural Gas |
D | Petrol (gasoline) |
Question 73 |
A | Uranium |
B | Gold |
C | Arsenic |
D | Thorium |
E | Radium |
Question 74 |
A | short term rain fall runoff. |
B | soil erodibility index. |
C | average annual soil loss. |
D | factor of hillslope/length |
E | factor of soil cover. |
Universal soil loss equation is used for long term calculations.
Question 75 |
A | Petroleum refining industry. |
B | Aluminum mining industry. |
C | Uranium mining industry. |
D | Agricultural industry. |
E | Coal industry. |
Question 76 |
A | Coal |
B | Wind |
C | Natural Gas |
D | Nuclear |
E | Hydroelectric |
Question 77 |
A | About 70% |
B | About 90% |
C | About 30% |
D | About 50% |
E | About 1% |
Question 78 |
A | Install better air quality management system. |
B | Decrease the humidity of the mines. |
C | Reduce acid mine drainage.
D | Increase the access to fresh drinking water. |
E | Provide better eye wear protection equipment. |
Question 79 |
A | Formations dominated by unfractured limestone and clay. |
B | Layered interbedded formation of siltstone and shale. |
C | Formations with large volumes of shale with some quartz dominated regions. |
D | Predominantly sandstone based formations with small volumes of shale. |
Question 80 |
A | Hydroelectric |
B | Nuclear |
C | Coal |
D | Natural gas |
E | Petroleum or oil |
← |
List |
→ |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 |
36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 |
46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 |
56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 |
66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 |
76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
End |
Credits: Based on the excellent class notes provided by, Dr. Gerald Osborn and Dr. Glenn Dolphin during Winter 2016 and textbook ISBN-978-0-393-93750-3.
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