Tag Archives: society

Buddhist ethics

I should really name this article as “Why I haven’t given up on Buddhism…. yet”. This is my attempt at explaining the most complicated mess carted by the Western media and imperialistic forces that devoured the true Asian history. I have tried to explain the confusion on whether or not Buddhism a religion before. I make that side offline long time ago to make room for the current one. During that period of silence, my philosophical and ethical view on life have not changed. However, I have acquired new skills to explain the unexplainable to most close minded people on planet Earth.

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Middle path still works

“To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one’s own in the midst of abundance.”. According to ancient texts, this is the principle behind the so called peaceful simple life that Buddhist communities across the globe are following. Well, at least by definition of being a Buddhist, that’s what they should follow, which is not the case. Yes, it is their fault for giving into material gains. No one care to elaborate on the fact that materialism that is being popularized through capitalistic globalization has created more problems than found solutions. After all, good things are hard to accomplished! I am an atheist, but I do adhere the ethical side of Buddhism. It has been proven over and over the ethics of Buddhist values do work for the benefit of the follower.

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Ordinary tech heroes

The dictionary definition for the term hero reads; a person who, in the opinions of others, has heroic qualities or has performed heroic acts and is regarded as an ideal or model for the rest of the community. The classical definition implies that you know the person well enough to identify the hero. If you research any civilization, almost all heroes are popular characters with very unique social statuses. In this Information Age, not all leaders have the desire to be famous. But all great heroes from the history to the present have similar stories to tell.

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Scientists are running away from problems

On June 20, 2013 mandatory evacuation orders were issued for Calgary, the Alberta’s largest city by population, as a result of flooding. The days leading up to the “2013 Alberta floods”, Alberta experienced heavy rainfall. The 2013 floods effected several areas such as Exshaw, High River and other municipalities and townships. Later that summer, communities along the rivers banks and flood plains were devastated by the consequences of additional downpour. Several mitigation and disaster response ideas have sprung out of this 2013 Alberta floods. This is where opinions of scientists, researchers and general public clashed. I can safely say we hear a lot of strong arguments on different aspects of the “problem” when our neighborhoods are in desperate situations. We also bombarded with “solutions” to these from our politicians and scientists. As a young scientist in training, I find these two groups in North America either want to go against nature or go against social dynamics.

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Idc wh@t wrds r +ed 2 dic

Some linguistics would say OMG WTF (Oh My God What The Fuck) to words and acronyms that came out of the technological age. I asked an English professor how languages evolve. She told me the words are often added to a language in two distinct ways; through academics such as Shakespeare and through general usage. In the last ten years most words added to English dictionary did not come from academics, but rather from general usage.

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