After I wrote this article on January 6, 2012, I decided to not publish this article in fear of personal attack on me from the general public. Attacks against my opinion itself is a strong indication of how so called Canadian democracy loving peaceful society works. However, after seeing so many issues in Canada, I decided someone has to speak up knowing there will be a backslash against the nature of this article. The root reason for this article is that most of my friends believe there should not be any negative consequences for Canadian and US military services killing civilians while if it is committed by Indian or Sri Lankan army there should be punishment against those countries. This double standards came out of the subconscious racism seed within the European communities and their non-European supporters. Please take note that this article will test the democratic values and freedom of speech in Canada. Therefore if you are unconformable with reality, feel free to leave the site or voice your opinions by posting a comment. Continue reading Systematic discrimination in disguise
Category Archives: Opinion
Personal and professional opinions that are not meant to offend anyone but promote outside the box critical thinking.
Which smartphone should I get?
Before the the first ever iPhone was released on June 29, 2007, the only two clear choice was available in the market when it comes to PDAs. They were Palm Pilot(1992) and the second choice was RIM’s Blackberry(1999). Although there were Japanese companies such as NEC tried their best to invent smarter super phones, it was the RIM’s Blackberry that was able to penetrate the market specially through their cooperate users. The fist device that RIM manufactured was a two way pager known as RIM 850, which was targeted towards business and health care professionals. But in 2003 RIM revolutionized the smart phone market with their successful BlackBerry devices. Again, RIM largely focused on the cooperate market. With the partnership of Microsoft, RIM introduced the state of the art secure private Blackberry Enterprise Server, a software driven system that can be install on Windows server to push IT policies allowing companies to control the flow of information to their employees smartphone. In 2007, Apple Inc released the iPhone by modifying their iPod (2001) digital music player in to a smartphone. With the addition of third party software to the iOS operating system, Apple Inc unleashed a new wave of mobile phone market. Today in 2010 with the new players like Android OS by Google, it is getting more harder to choose which is the best phone for your needs. Continue reading Which smartphone should I get?
Term paper: Communications Studies
University of Calgary, COMS 201, FALL 2010
Dr. S123456789
Sanuja Senanayake
We communicate in many different mediums. Modern communication is predominantly shaped by the advancement in technology. The human race has come a long way from “tribal epoch” to the “electronic epoch”. (Wood 305-308) However, the electronic approach to communication has grown exponentially during the last decade. Most communication mediums we use today such as cellular phones, the Internet and television are all associated with advancement in technology. In many ways the electronic mediums are similar to the natural form of communication, while they are different on other levels. Continue reading Term paper: Communications Studies
Analysis paper for Academic English
I am taking an Academic English class called Scientific Reports Writing. I have to write two papers in this class on a specific scientific subject. I decided to post my work online so that everyone can read it. If you have to take Science 311 at University of Calgary, this paper even give you an idea on what to expect.
Sanuja Senanayake
Dr. S1234567
Science 311
[Word Count: 1244]
Continue reading Analysis paper for Academic English
What was your new year resolution?
Just curious… it is already the 06-January and if someone ask me what is my goal for the new year, I would say spend less time on the net. Of course it would be impossible with my love for computers and technology.
A lot of people make resolutions for the new year. What is yours? Let me know by either commenting or emailing.
Having said that, this may be my last post for a long period of time. I am going back to school this Monday and once the school stuff get rolling, I will have hand full of work in order to be successfully earn good GPA for all the courses. Wish me good luck!